It Could Always Be Worse

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She complains about the energy it takes to cook,

when there are kids who go to bed with the aching of a empty stomach from not having eaten in many days. Not knowing when they will get a chance to eat again.

He complains that he didn't get a raise this year from his boss,

when another man who worked hard for 20 years was laid off last month and may become homeless. Sadder still is that there are thousands more men and women this will happen to.

She complains that the baby in her arms keeps her up all night,

when another woman in her town grieves for her babies that never had a heartbeat. How she hates the word "Miscarriage", this is her third one.

He complains in his heated car that he has been stuck in traffic for an hour.

when down the street in the freezing cold another person has been waiting half an hour with numb fingers caused by the icy wind  at the bus stop.

I could go on and on forever about the hard times we all go through. 

Please, I ask you if you see anyone having a hard time or being a little grumpy try to be kind.

Offer an ear to listen or a hug if you can.

Just keep in mind whatever your going through life is a gift and 

It could always be worse. 

xoxoxoxo ~ Jeannie 

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