Encouraging Whispers She Speaks To Me

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Her tiny figure rests on the palm of my cupped hand.

What was once dirty cleaned by her grace, her love.

I speak in my mind words that never will be spoken out loud.

She is My dream keeper, My fervent listener, My peace maker.

Creating a calm in my soul when trouble comes not knocking,

but Violently breaking down the door of the Justice I seek.

To every no that is shouted within my fear,

 she calmly whispers yes you not only can but you must.

Feelings swell as a helium balloon,

at the moment bursting seems to be only a matter of time,

she deflates the air of sadness, anger, shame,

with her loyalty and everlasting love for the person I am.

Delighting in the way I was made not wanting to change anything about me.

So I sit her up on the dresser next to my candle,

she shimmers with delight at the glow around her tiny frame.

I go out and pick flowers placing them next to her,

she loves to look at them, to smell the sweet fragrance fill the entire room.

She guides me to fill the bouquet with many different colors and shapes,

to remind us both there is glory and beauty in all things that bloom together not apart,

standing up side by side each one different,

not one more important than the other,

standing up side by side united, each one a part of the whole.

New Beginning, New DayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora