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TW: mentions of self-harm. homophobic slurs/comments. Mentions Child abuse

The rest of the week passed rather quickly. They received mountains of homework for a 4-day first-week-back. The herbology teachers had set them a research project to do in pairs, Slughorn had them all writing an essay on the truth potion, why it's useful and why it cannot be used in the case of the law. Professor Maestro (dada) had given them defensive skills to practice and professor Kettleburn had given a month to make a presentation on one creature and if they thought it was in the right rating. The arithmancy teacher had given them a few worksheets and the divination gave them a dream journal to complete.

James, however, decided there were more important things to be completed on a weekend then homework. He spent his Friday evening hours pacing around the common room muttering something about quidditch.

'What is he doing?' Alice asked looking up from her muggle studies homework, she had been set an essay on how electricity or how she spelt it 'elekitry' worked.

'Pacing,' Remus answered,

'Nervously,' Sirius added,

'Oi Potter,' Frank yelled as James turned to the group, 'Sit down and do your homework.' he barked as James shrugged,

'Cant, need to know about quidditch trials,' he said as he resumed pacing.

'Did you hear?' Frank asked as James turned to him again with wide eyes,

'Hear what?' James asked,

'Woods gone home,' he answered as James took a seat,

'But. Wood said you cant cancel quidditch, how can he just leave it. And what about the cup and trials and training. What the bleeding hell is he doing at home. For Merlin's sake Andrew Wood better get back to this school soon before I murder him,' James said as Frank gulped,

'His mum was murdered by that politician,' He said as James gulped,

'I take back what I said,' James whispered, feeling immensely guilty.

'What the ruddy hell is a politician doing murdering parents?' Remus asked as Sirius shook his head,

'He goes by Voldemort I think. He wants muggle-borns gone, I'm assuming Woods mother was one or a protector or something. I know during the summer he attacked a few muggles. Mother and Father call him the Dark Lord,' he finished as lightning struck outside the castle. A storm came rolling in and within seconds tennis-ball-sized raindrops were hitting the windows.

The next morning they all made their way to the great hall. Em and Mary were already sitting waiting when the marauders, Frank and Alice joined them. They all began eating with school-related small talk. The three girls were discussing a new rumour about Peter's transfiguration partner crushing on them. Peter was unaware of the conversation although even if he was he would doubt it were true. Sirius and James were sniggering quietly together as Professor McGonagall approached the pair rather stressed looking,

'Mr. Potter could I have a word,' She asked as James looked up,

'whatever it is. I didn't do it. I was in the common room all night, frank can-' he said defensively as her mouth twitched,

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