To Be Back At Hogwarts

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To Be Back At Hogwarts

TW: Mentions child abuse

Lily was left alone once again. Aside from the occasional letters from Remus, Lily hadn't really spoken to anyone since Florean left. Her parents got home and complained for an hour about there new timetables before going to bed. Most of the conversation had gone over Lily's head except the fact she wasn't allowed home for Christmas. The Evans and Forestucents had been told they were to stay in the dorms for Christmas so both Lily and Loz were told they had to remain at Hogwarts. It wasn't the worse news ever, Although she loved her parents she hated being home.

She couldn't wait to get back to school. Most people would find that unusual behaviour but she loved school. She had always loved learning from a young age. With both her parents being scholars, she was taught a lot as a child and ended up with a massive love for knowledge. However, that wasn't the only reason she wanted to get back. She missed her friends. Alice Fawley and Marlene McKinnon shared the Gryffindor girls dorm with her, the girls would usually spend the night talking about crushes and the daily gossip. He missed it. She missed hearing Alice always ramble on about the same crush she had had since the second year. A 6th-year boy named Frank Longbottom. He was on the Gryffindor quidditch team as a beater and had -as Alice described- the most gorgeous brown eyes and a marvellous set of jumpers. Marlene however always swapped about. In the third year, she had a massive crush on Sirius, to the point they ended up dating for two months until she broke it off. The two still had a great friendship however since the breakup Marlene had been a lot more interested in Girls. She had a crush (although she always said it wasn't one) on Mary Macdonald. She was in Hufflepuff and within their friend group hence Marlene didn't want it mentioned. She had also had crushes on various other girls. There was a Slytherin girl she had liked for three weeks before term ended. Lily, however, was a lot less bothered by crushes. She agreed with most of the opinions people gave and did always join the conversation. She had had her first kiss, Well she had had three kisses although she wasn't sure they all counted.

Her first kiss -although when she was asked this wasn't the kiss she would answer with- was with Severus. It was a complete accident, she bumped into him and he kissed her during it. It felt awfully awkward and she pulled away from him as quickly as she could without offending him too much. That happened back when they were 10. They were too young for it to count. Or at least that what she said.

Her second kiss was normally the one she mentioned although it had boasted the guy's ego by 10%. It happened in the second year. Marlene had insisted they all play a muggle game her mum used to talk about. So that night the marauders, Marlene, Alice, Lily and Frank snuck Mary, Emmeline Vance and Jason McKinnon (both from Ravenclaw) into the Gryffindor common room so they could all play spin the bottle. When it came to Lily turn she spun the bottle and it landed on James. She had kissed him that night. In second year he hadn't really had a massive crush on her however now he did. Although she denied it and claimed he was probably just joking. Everyone except her disagreed but she didn't change her mind.

Her last kiss was the only meaningful one. She dated Emmeline Vance for a month and they kissed twice before Em decided they weren't working. Lily didn't disagree and within the school, a lot of people commented. Breaking up probably was for the best however it had been Lily only relationship. Em and Lily remained on good terms though and were still friends.

Another reason she wanted to get back to Hogwarts was the marauders. All though she wouldn't dare say it to them, especially not James through fear of making his ego even larger, she missed the pranks they would pull. They never failed to make her laugh, although she would properly have to pretend she hated it because she was now prefect. 

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