January 30th

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January 30th

TW: Darkish thoughts, Drugs (weed), Beating up?

January 30th. The day Lily had been dreading forever.

She awoke at 2 am sweating. Again at 3.30 am. Again at 5.30 am.

The last time she had given up on sleep. Even with the draught, she wouldn't have it. She ran into the bathroom and muffilatoed the room as she began throwing up. Once she finished she cleaned the bathroom up and wiped her face clean.

What a way to start her birthday,

She entered the dorm and grabbed an outfit before getting changed and leaving. It might have been a school day but she really had no intention of going to class.

Luckily she knew both Florean and Sirius well enough to know where any secret stashes would be hidden and with the stress she had right now. She needed to. She grabbed a glass of water of the Gryffindor counters before leaving the common rooms and heading down to herbology.

There was a spot out the back of the greenhouses if you walked just far enough you couldn't be seen by anyone there. No teachers knew about the spot and it was the place most kids would go to bunk. It was also brilliant for growing... things.

She snuck her way past the greenhouses and to the special spot making sure not to be seen. With the time it was if she was seen she would be in massive trouble. Luckily for her, she wasn't seen.

The area was unusually nice, there was a small fire built in the middle with large plants surrounding them like a wall. Three tree stumps stood as seats and there were two cut trees as benches. Within one of the plant walls was a small alcove which grew... green goodies.

Lily picked some of the plants before pocketing it and sneaking down to the docks. Luckily it was the Hufflepuff's who grew it, it had always been free of charge. Most students knew of the spot and a lot of them took weed from it, but with the enchantments of the plant, you could never run out. It was very fortunate.

Once at the docks she rolled herself a splint before clicking her fingers as it lit. She had been practising wandless magic more and more recently in an attempt to get everything off her mind. With a fairly good success rate.

Marlene awoke at 7 am to see Lily's empty -but made- bed and a small note, all the note said was 'gone, see you later' which she really didn't think was a good enough note, however, she accepted it and placed it in her back pocket. She made her way to the great hall to find Dorcas being the only one there.

'Well this is lovely,' She smiled as Dorcas looked up to her,

'I was wondering where you were, sit sit,' Dorcas replied as Marlene took a seat opposite her.

'What we working on,' Marlene said as she grabbed the corner of one of the pages to look at what it contained. Dorcas swatted her hand away as Marlene looked up at her with a pouty face,

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