Breakfast With Impostors.

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Breakfast With Impostors

The next few weeks went awfully. It was nearing Halloween and Remus understandably didn't want to be in the same room as Sirius which made for some very awkward times. Peter was fine with Sirius however wasn't really speaking to him because he didn't want to lose James. The girls were all ignoring Sirius as well, due to some of their sexualities they had taken offence to the way he spoke. The only two who did not completely blank him were Marlene and Lily.

Marlene had cornered Sirius after a defence lesson and yelled at him. Sirius didn't tell her anything however she figured something out,

'You are such an ignorant fucker and Remus deserves so much better than to be treated like that,' she said her wand raised to his neck,

'You don't think I know that. I truly am sorry,'

'I will believe that if you gave me a reason. You had no reason to say that unless you were jealous or something and even that is a shitty reason,' she finished before looking at Sirius who had his eyes bulging out his head, 'Oh my Merlin you're gay?' she said as he froze. She lowered her wand looking at him still.

'I don't,' he started before kissing her. She didn't pull back but didn't go into it either. He pulled out and looked a Marlene in the eyes, 'Yes I'm defiantly gay,' he said as Marlene hit his arm,

'I'm not that bad,' she said laughing

'No MarlyBear it was brilliant. But not right,' he said biting his lip, 'Maybe I am gay and maybe I just a little bit like Remus. However both facts are irrelevant,'

'Siri Pie,' she stated, 'They aren't irrelevant. This is why Lily hasn't been mad at you, isn't it? She knew about this. That little bitch never tells me anything,'

'I made her swear not to,' Sirius said as Marlene smiled,

'Figured. I think you should speak to Remus about it. Me and Lily can be there to make sure you don't end up saying anything you shouldn't,' Marlene said before grabbing her wand,

'I can't tell them,' Sirius said,

'The both of them have kissed guys before do you really think they will judge,' Marlene said as Sirius moved his shoulders,

'But my family didn't like it,'

'The blacks aren't your family Sirius. We are. Me, Lily and those stupid marauders. Now go apologies to your brothers. Come on,' she said, leading him out the room.

However, Sirius had refused just before he was going to. He hated himself for refusing but didn't feel comfortable telling them yet. Days kept on rolling past. The ground outside was slowly turning white with snow. Lily and Marlene checked if Sirius was ready yet everyday. He finally was.

November 2nd... He didn't want to turn 16 knowing his two best friends hated his guts. He kept Lily and Marlene behind after potions and asked them to help him.

'Potter. Lupin. You're bedroom now,' Marlene yelled walking into the common room with Lily trailing behind her.

'Marly I'm more into your friend and he prefers the lads,' James smiled as he winked at lily.

'I'm more into Evans than I am you anyway, up you go,' Marlene replied as Remus and James groaned before running up to the common room with the two following behind,

'What the ruddy hell are they doing?' Frank asked

'James and Lily are up there so I can't imagine them having much fun,' Alice replied as Frank put his arm around her,

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