Christmas Day

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Christmas Day

TW: minor character death. scars. metions of child abuse. 

James walked up the this-year dorm before knocking lightly. Florean was the only one staying this Christmas in his year so James figured he felt awfully lonely. As much as he didn't want to open the door; florean did before jumping back onto his bed, head into the pillow,

'I'm sorry,' James said as he made his way to Florean's bed. He didn't have a clue what to say or how to help just felt like he needed to do something. He sat the cake on the bedside table and pondered on what to say,

'Evans hasn't told us why you're both sad. You don't have to say but I just thought I'd let you know,'

'You'll know by tomorrow,' he croaked, sitting up quietly, still crying

'She mentioned,' he said, completely unaware of what to say. Not only had he spoken to the kid twice this year but now he was dealing with him crying over something he was unaware of.

'Why are you here?' he asked as James shrugged,

'My mate used to get sad a lot the first year, however, when he was sad he never liked to be alone. He would pull pranks, get detentions, anything to escape being alone. Being alone is horrible.' James said as Florean nodded. James let out his arms slightly as florean hugged him,

'I don't want to be alone,' he croaked as James pat his back,

'You won't be,' he said, he had an idea of what might have happened but begged he was wrong, 'If anything you will always have me,' he added rubbing his back, 'even if I'm just yelling at you to concentrate on scoring,' he said as florean laughed slightly.

James stayed with until he slept. He didn't want him to be alone. And once he slept he tucked him in and wrote him a note saying he was getting him breakfast.

Marlene walked into the dorm to see Lily crying her eyes out. Completely unaware of what to do she sat on the bed and twiddled with her wand.

'Marlene I want to be alone,' Lily said as Marlene shook her head,

'Nope, we can be alone together but not alone alone,' she said as Lily sat down still crying,

'Marlene stop being annoying and leave,' she said as Marlene put her feet up,

'Lily I know you, miss I push people away when I'm sad,' she said as Lily rolled her eyes, 'not going to happen this time,' she said pushing herself over so there was space for lily to join, 'after all you are my decoy girlfriend,' she said as Lily choked on a laugh. She moved over to Marlene and lied next to her. She didn't say a word but she did calm down a little.

Remus and Sirius were left in the common room with Mary and the three made for some very awkward conversation.

'I'm going to go pee, where's the bathroom in here?' Mary said getting up as Remus pointed towards a door on the left. Mary nodded and left through it.

Remus and Sirius sat awkwardly for a moment. They haven't really spoken one on one with each other since their argument,

'Your nose looks better,' Remus said awkwardly as Sirius sniggered,

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