After-Meeting Attacks

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After-Meeting Attacks

The charms exam was taxing however the group were all more than ready to celebrate its ending. Marlene sent a letter to her dad asking for a bottle of champagne which she got two in reply. Marauders, Prewetts, the girls, Frank and Jason all made their way to the tree after the exam and even though half the group had not done exams, they all celebrated.

Without telling anyone, Sirius added a special charm onto both bottles meaning that it wasn't able to run out.

Fabian, since the break-up, had been a lot more relaxed about the rules and didn't scold anyone for drinking or partying, which was more than fortunate for the marauders.

The news of Lily being called a mudblood spread across the school like wildfire. She noticed that more people were smiling at her if they saw her and the teachers were giving her points and praise for trivial things. Sirius had also taken to being her bodyguard and dramatically barking at anyone who gave them weird looks, except the Slytherins... he was hissing at them.

'So,' Marlene said as she and Sirius handed out glasses of drink to everyone, 'exams are through lads,'

'I want next year predictions,' Fabian exclaimed

'If gracious and fabulous can't be here we want to hear what happens here,' Gideon added,

'I reckon Lily will have a fight,' Alice teased nudging lily's arm,

'Extremely unlikely,' lily sighed, 'lily is back on her prefect girl shit next year,'

'We have missed prefect girl shit this year,' Sirius said flinging an arm around her as she smiled,

'I won't beat a bitch lily,' Frank exclaimed as Alice pointed at him with a smile.

'If we get beat a bitch, can I get sent evidence,' Gideon asked,

'Lily is not beating a bitch,' lily snapped as Sirius and Marlene began laughing,

'You should beat James' bitch,' Sirius smirked as lily looked at him -completely not understanding the joke,

'Whose James bitch?' Peter asked as Marlene laughed harder, Remus was laughing too and only just understanding, Mary laughed as well. James understood he joke perfectly but didn't dare to laugh,

'I-' lily started as Sirius looked down and she gasped, 'you're positively disgusting,' she said, throwing his arm away as he smirked.

James had gone red and refused to make eye contact with anyone as the conversation began to flow. Peter and Mary began discussing the exam and how they think they did with Marlene and lily. The other three marauders and Frank were discussing possible pranks they could plan for the end of the year, which Frank was more than excited to help with. Fabian was half-talking to Jason about newts and half-listening to the marauders to make sure they didn't do anything too stupid. Alice, Emmilience and Dorcas were all gossiping although Alice seemed to be looking onto the lake constantly,

A small tabby owl flew over their heads and down next to lily as she cautiously took the letter off it before she could give him any treats he had flown off again.

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