We Need To Play Cupid!

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We need to play cupid!

The aftermath of the party was horrendous. 

Remus and the rest of the muggle studies students had to be in the hall for exams by 1 pm which was becoming increasingly more unlikely.

Marlene and Dorcas ended up passing out in Marlene's bed. Peter ended up in his bed alone after walking Mary back to her common room. Alice and Frank were in Frank's room and the two Prewetts ended up passed out on the two common room couches. Lily was curled up on the bean bag by the armchair and asleep on the armchair was James.

By 11 am... no one was awake.

12 am... everyone still snored.

Even the other common rooms were struggling to awake. Slytherins were the only ones in the great hall for breakfast. Everyone who attended had drunk or smoked a little too much and were severely hungover. That is of course except for James.

'Remus up,' he yelled, throwing a pillow at his head, 'muggle studies exam? Would you like to pass?' he asked grabbing Remus' revision notes from the side,

'SHUT UP PRONGS,' Sirius groaned as he threw himself face-first into his pillow,

'You drank more than me, how are you fine?' Remus asked pushing himself up as James beamed,

'Hangover free since 63,'

'Weren't you three in 63?' Remus asked looking for his cloak,

'Yes, but it sounds cooler than just saying Hangover free,'

'You could just not talk,' Sirius groaned as James threw the pillow at him,

'We're going don't worry,' Remus said, pushing James out the room, 'What's the time?' he asked as they walked down to the common room,

'Midday?' he replied looking at the mess the common room contained, 'this will take years to clean,' he sighed passing Remus the notes, 'go eat and good luck,'

'Thank you, James,' Remus said leaving the common room as James turned to the three passed out of sofas and bean bags.

He walked over to lily and gently nudged her shoulder as she woke up and rubbed her eyes,


'Yeh, its midday love,' he said quietly as she nodded and took his hand to pull herself up,

'This headache kills,' she sighed as James tapped his wand on a goblet and passed it to her, 'thank you,'

James smiled at her as he grabbed his wand and tapped his mouth with it. He moved from his space to sit on the end of fabian's sofa before...

'Head boy! Asleep! Hungover! Badge!' he said in a very good dumbledore impersonation as fabian leap out his skin and tried to tug at a tie what wasn't there,

'I'm sorry sir, got carried-' Fabian started before turning to James who was in hysterics, 'Potter!'

'That was bloody brilliant,' Gideon said from the other sofa, even lily was laughing,

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