Filthy Mudblood

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Filthy Mudblood

There were certain things I wanted to change ab the mudblood scene so I have rewritten to scene. Within this chapter, the og is chapter 28, Order of the phoenix

Examination period was slowly coming to an end. Peter was having another meltdown every night over what his scores would be. James and Marlene both threw themselves into quidditch to distract themselves from a mental breakdown. Alice, Remus and Lily all took up revising every waking moment, which began to annoy Sirius who decided to do some solo pranks as a distraction.

With only two exams left, (Defensive theory and Charms practical) may was coming to a close. Although she tried not to think about it, Both lily and florean were technically now homeless with nowhere to spend the summer which they only had a month until.

The defensive theory exam was rather easy, or at least that's what Marlene told Dorcas as they all walked down to there usual tree.

'Did you like question ten moony?' Sirius joked as they followed the girls down,

'Loved it,' he replied, 'five ways to identify a werewolf,'

'I only got three signs,' peter frowned,

'Honestly run round with one once a month and still don't know,' James joked taking a golden snitch out his pocket to play with,

'Yes yell it, James,' Remus replied as they all sat down at the tree,

'Lily,' Mary said from next to peer, 'Snape is staring at you,' she whispered as lily turned her head and smiled politely before going back to her group,

'James we should go sort out snivelly,' Sirius said as James ruffled his hair,

'Oh come on prongs,' Peter squealed standing up as Lily rolled her eyes and opened a muggle book. James jumped up that second as the four marauders left after snape. The group, minus lily, kept glancing at snape and the marauders as students crowded around them.

'Lily,' Alice whispered,

'I really don't care what they're doing,'

'Boyfriend two is hanging boyfriend one upside,' Alice exclaimed as Lily jumped up and turned to the scene.

Surely enough, Severus Snape was upside down hanging in the air and James had his wand pointed at him as the hoards of students cheered and laughed.

'Potter,' Lily yelled joining the group looking disappointed at James, 'put him down,'

'I will if you go out with me,' he swooned,

'I'd rather date the giant squid,' she yelled back, 'put him down,'

James moved his wand as snape fell down and looked angrily at everyone who was watching,

'Did your girlfriend save you snapey,' Avery barked,

'I'm not his-' lily yelled,

'I don't need help from a filthy mudblood,' he spat as Lily took a breath, she put on a fake smile so no one could see that it upset her,

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