Hogsmeade Weekend

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Hogsmeade Weekend.

TW: Drugs (coke and weed), 

Marlene, Sirius and Peter were all up, dressed and eating breakfast by 7 am. They were ready to leave the second they could. Unfortunately, Remus had to lead the third years to Hogsmeade and without Lily being their, James stepped up to replace her and help Remus, meaning neither of them could leave until 10 am.

Florean was in the great hall only ten minutes after Marlene, and he joined their table,

'I have permission from my parents to go Hogsmeade however they are now dead, is the permission revoked?' he asked plainly.

Floreans way of getting over the tragedy had become humour. He would make an orphan joke at most opportunities and became very blunt when talking about it. As though he felt nothing,

'I don't know, Speak to James and Remus, it's their decision,' Marlene said as florean rose an eyebrow,

'Why Remus and James? I thought Lily was a prefect?'

'Shes left the school temporarily,'

'We hope,' Peter added,

'No. It is temporary, She'll be back,' Marlene said firmly trying to convenience herself as Sirius put a hand on her back.

Emmiliance and Dorcas joined to the group shortly after as Marlene and Sirius jumped up,

'Marlene want a butterbeer later?' Dorcas asked as Marlene shrugged,

'Depends on what lily does, sorry. I will make it up,' Marlene promised as she kissed Dorcas cheek and ran out with Sirius. Dorcas sat down grumpily as Emmiliance shrugged,

'I don't know why you're with her still,' Em whispered, 'she clearing likes her friends more,'

'So? I like her?'

'But she doesn't send the same message, if she wanted you she would make time for you, she seems too preoccupied with Evans though,'

Dorcas sighed. Em wasn't wrong. She did like Marlene but maybe the timing wasn't right.

Marlene and Sirius didn't stop running till they reached Hogsmeade. The phone booth was the opposite end of the village which was a massive pain, however, they walked there. Since it was still rather early they decided to wait to call. They both sat opposite each other talking joking with each other about various things. James, Peter and Remus joined them at half ten and they decided it was okay to call lily now. So Marlene took the slip out of her back pocket and dialled the number,

'Hello?' She half-shouted,

'Hello deary, Miss Figg speaking,'

'Oh, do I have the wrong number? I'm looking for Lily Evans?' she asked as the boys exchanged looks. There was no answer from the phone for a minute as Marlene sighed,

'Hello?' Lily voice said as Marlene jumped back to the receiver,

'Lily. Lily oh my merlin you're okay,' she said quickly,

'Of course, I'm okay, How are you?' lily replied as Dorcas walked up to the group of boys,

'I'm not here to talk about me, I will talk about me when I see you. Because you are coming back. Mother said you can stay at mine during the holidays if you want,'

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