Back to London

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Back to London

Peter didn't speak an awful lot that breakfast, not even when Mary came over. It went unnoticed by the rest who all laughed happily and without a care in the world. The weight of war left them for the morning as they spent their final time laughing with the Prewetts.

Fabian Prewett stood up and climbed onto the Gryffindor table as all eyes went to him, He cleared his throat, 'It's Fabulous speaking, I was your head boy for those of you who don't recognise my gorgeous face' he smiled, 'I wanted to toast to a brilliant year,' he said as Gideon pasted him a goblet and fabian held it towards the teachers who all lifted their own, 'we like to drink with professors,' he started singing,

'Cause professors are our mates,' everyone chimed in as Dumbledore and Hagrid began drinking whereas McGonagall shook her head, 'And when we drink with them, they get it down in... eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. three,' Hagrid had finished his goblet and whacked it back on the table. The rest of the teachers (minus McGonagall) 'two one,' they finished as the rest of their teachers placed their goblets down.

Professor McGonagall looked disappointed at the staff table as the hall clapped and cheered for the teachers. For good messages, fabian downed his drink as well before hopping off the table. Lily could have sworn she saw Mcgonagall wink at Sirius as the rest of the professors stood up.

Laughter erupted in the hall as the two Prewetts ran for the door.

The marauders had struck again.

The teachers table now held Professor Mcgonagall looking as though she could laugh, and every other teacher with striking new hair colour. They were all ginger? Even Dumbledore's long beard was a flamboyant Red.

'Marauders,' Dumbledore laughed as a firework went off behind him. And another. The great hall, the back window was ablaze with thousands of pretty colours jumping in sparks. A large banner fell from the ceiling with a pop, everyone's fixated their eyes on the banner.

Goodbye Prewetts.

It read, each letter shining in a different colour. The colours all jumped about with the fireworks and ginger professors. By far one of the best they had done this year.

'Was this you?' Lily asked, tapping James' elbow, he smirked and winked before turning to the ginger professors and clapping.

The conundrum in the hall calmed down just in time for everyone to begin walking to the trains. The two Prewett brothers were already at Hogsmeade station (where they ran to hide) and they began lifting suitcases onto the train and helping students find their way. Lily made her way through the train looking for florean as the marauders went to their usual cabin.

'Lily,' Florean squeaked from in one of the rooms, she entered with a smile and sat opposite you,

'How are you?'

'I'm... I'm going to an orphanage, are they scary? My mum Judy was forced to live in one as a kid and she hated. I'm scared,' he said as she took a breath and her smile faded,

'I'll try to visit you, I'll make sure you don't have to be alone all summer. And I'll get your school books so don't worry about that.,' florean hugged lily as she finished. She could have cried, 'it will be alright I promise,' she whispered as he let go,

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