Who Nose Why?

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Who Nose Why?

''James,' Sirius whispered from James' slightly open bedroom door.

It had to be around midnight and Sirius had avoided everyone all day. He had for several days now. James had been asleep but he awoke the second he heard his door squeak open. He had been sleeping lightly since Sirius arrived. Just in case he heard anything. Just in case Sirius had needed him.

James woke and sat up the second Sirius said his name and crossed his legs leaving space for Sirius to come join him at the end of his bed.

'Sorry,' Sirius said as james rose his eyebrow,

'Sorry? Blimey mate, I've known you for five years and those words have never left your mouth before, Who are you and what have you done with my mate?' he joked as Sirius entered the room looking around.

James' room wasn't nearly as messy as he expected it. He had a small stack of books on his desk which had numerous different things engraved into it. His clothes were either away nicely in his draws or folded nicely on the chair next to it. His broom was on two hooks, hung perfectly centre of attention. His bedcovers had deers on and he had a small light brown teddy bear sat just in front of his pillow. From each corner of James' room, along the ceiling hing bunting one with various famous quidditch players on each triangle.

'You can decorate your room too you know,' James started as Sirius moved his eyes from the bunting to James who was smiling, 'Tell mum what you want and she will get you it. Well within reason. Or tell me, i still have birthday money left over,' he finished. Sirius didn't have a clue how he still had money left. James' birthday was in march, meaning he had managed to save money for four months, which was a very unlike James thing to do. He knew James as irresponsible, I'm going to spend 20 gallons on a prank person not let's be money smart and save boy.

'Thanks,' sirius whispered as he gulped. He quite liked the idea of decorating his own room. He hadn't ever had freedom of his room before.

'Whats up,' James asked, 'You know you can tell me anything, right?' James finished as sirius gulped.

'What if they come here?' Sirius said so quietly James could hardly hear him,

'Then Me and My dad grab our wands and fight them off,' James said immediately as sirius frowned,

'You forget your wand for classes half the time, How do you know you will have it if they come,' Sirius replied, 'I mean do you have it now?' he asked as James went slightly red.

'Well, no. I think it's in the kitchen at the minute,' He started feeling slightly stupid, 'But if i dont have my wand, I have fists. Ill punch their noses off or something,'

'I could not imagine a death eater with no nose,' Sirius laughed slightly,

'No one NOSE what that will look like,' James added as they both laughed.

'That's SNOT funny,' Sirius added as James smiled through his boyish laugh. It was the first pun Sirius had made since he got there. Sirius was getting his colour back.

The boys carried on joking all night until they slept. Sirius in a ball at the end of James' bed. Neither of them awoke until 11 the next morning. Sirius woke first and went down to the breakfast table the next morning where Mr and Mrs Potter were both sat reading the paper.

'Morning Mr P, Mrs P' Sirius chirped as they both looked at each other both with shook and happiness on their face.

'Someones happy today, Good night sleep I suppose?' Charulus asked looking up from the paper. There was nothing interesting in the paper, never usually was.

'Who nose why,' Sirius said with a smirk as Dora looked to Charulus for an answer. He was as confused as her but they didn't think about it.

'Sirius dear, We got you this,' Mrs P smiled as she handed a small parcel to Sirius. He rose his eyebrow as he took the parcel. He wasn't expecting anything. He felt kind of guilty taking anything from the Potters. It was wrapped in brown paper with a small red ribbon on it. He pulled the ribbon slightly then carefully unwrapped the brown paper. He was never this cautious. Last year when his friends gave him presents he would just rip the paper and throw it everywhere, but he wanted to be as respectful as possible so he was careful.

He opened up the box and stared at the content within. There were two records in it against a small vinyl player. There was an array of different nail polishes, mostly dark colours except one yellow. a spare gryffindor tie (which he actually needed) was flipped over the records and a small box of Bertie Botts every flavour beans sat next to a rolled up poster. to finish it off a small stack of books which were all labelled fifth year.

'You didn't have to,' Sirius whispered, still staring in marvel at the content. 

'Don't be silly,' Charulus said as James entered the room and peered over Sirius shoulder,

'The Beatles?' he asked, lifting up one of the records, 'Who in Merlin's beard are the Beatles?'

'Just the best muggle band in the world. Well they're not a band anymore but they are still the best.' he said as James placed the record down and pepped a he other record,

'And Elvis Presley, Guessing that's another muggle band who are the best?' James asked,

'His only the king,' Sirius said sighing,

'We have a king?' James asked looking at his dad who was as confused as he was when it came to muggle culture.

'The king of rock. I would bet big gallons that he is a wizard you know. The things he can do with words. No muggle is that good,' Sirius said practically drooling other the records,

'Well i'm sure we will all listen to him at some point,' Dora smiled, she too had no clue about Muggle culture. She couldn't help from thinking though. McGonagall didn't half make some good suggestions on what to get Sirius to cheer him up.

Mrs Potter took Sirius shopping that day and they both brought some new clothes as well as some more posters Sirius seemed to like and various other decorations.

When they got back, Sirius entered his room and put one of his records on the player. As he moved his room, he was singing and dancing to the music with a smile on his face

The walls were now a dark shade of red. His bed frame was a shade of gold and his bedside table was matching. On the table sat the nail varnishes Mr&Mrs P had brought him. The chest of drawers he had were now also painted gold and had the vinyl player seated on top of it with a box with his five records in. Whilst out he had brought three more records for his collection. He now had two Beatles albums, Two from Elvis Presley and one from a band called Queen. He hadn't heard of them before but the store owner suggested it. Dora had also brought him some new clothes, including two new leather jackets and some vintage rock t-shirts which were all packed away in the draws. He had two posters up on the wall opposite his bed and a desk painted a similar gold colour pushed into the corner. The desk held the books he had been given in the parcel this morning as well as a new quill and ink set. His were still at Grimmuald Place along with his wand and previous year school books. He had a set of yet-to-be-opened letters stacked in the corner. Most of the letters were from Remus and Peter judging by the handwriting. On his desk was a small model of a motorbike and a his gryffindor tie all knotted up.

This day made Sirius the happiest he had felt in a while. His smile hadn't left him for the rest of the week.

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