I don't want Y/N to be with someone that is going to hurt her in the end, I don't want her to start something with me that will only end in tears. I don't want to see those tears on her face ever again.

I almost gave into that temptation yesterday, I almost kissed her. I had a few drinks and I was totally flirting with her, not caring about the rules I set up for myself, but the moment her lips were about to touch mine, I knew it was wrong.

Besides, it won't work because we are colleagues. Yes I know, we are both in a superior position within SNT, but it's considered inappropriate anyways. I remember what happened the last time two valued members of SNT started seeing each other.

She was forced to leave SNT, she had to resign and never associate herself with the company ever again. That was Namjoon's girlfriend at the time, now his wife and mother of his children, which makes me happy.

But I knew how it affected Namjoon at the time, I knew how broken he was. He felt like he was the reason she was forced out, he felt like he ruined her career because he couldn't control his emotions and feelings.

I know that it wasn't all his fault, but I know I will feel the same way if I were to date Y/N. One way or another, it will come out, people will find out and she would have to leave SNT, considering I am the CEO.

I don't want that for her, it will be a national scandal and I don't want to ruin her life just because I am falling for her and was selfish, selfish for wanting her all for myself and selfish for taking her opportunities away from her.

I am falling for her, I have feelings for her and I want to be with her, but I'm going to have to let her go and move on because I don't want to ruin her life, which is what I do, ruin lives. She deserves the absolute best, which isn't me.

"Dude, I thought you were excited, you look like you're about to cry" Jungkook stated as he appeared next to me.

"Shut up I'm having a sad monologue moment here" I said as I felt irritated with him interrupting my self pity story.

"You know, I know this great therapist that could totally help you out, she has done wonders for me" Jimin stated as he put an arm around my shoulder as Jungkook bursted out laughing.

"That would be a great idea, that means I don't have to listen to him whining about his feelings anymore-" Jungkook said as I elbowed him in his stomach, making him groan.

"I thought you assured me I wouldn't want to kill you before we would even arrive at the venue" I stated as Jungkook grinned.

"We are off work, I'm allowed to break my promises you know" He said as I laughed.

"I'm excited to see everyone all dressed up, especially considering the dresses will be even shorter than usual" Jimin stated as Jungkook widened his eyes.

"Even shorter???" He asked as I chuckled.

"My child, this is the fourth time you are attending, you have seen it all" I reminded him as he gulped.

"Yes but I wasn't focussed on the dresses, I mean how could you when you have this great food selection with all kinds of delicious delicacies" Jungkook stated as I bursted out laughing.

"Well, I focus on different kind of delicacies, the local ones to be exact" Jimin stated as Jungkook gave him a disgusted look.

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