She has a loving boyfriend.

Y/N seemed to notice my stare and quickly looks away, probably feeling slightly intimidated and I wouldn't blame her. The thought of her boyfriend just makes me angry, and unfairly, it makes me angry at her.

"Right..." Jungkook says as everyone looks at him.

"Any interesting stories before we start?" He said with a smile, probably trying to defuse the tension.

Bad idea.

"Well I have a rather interesting one" Jimin states, making me sigh.

"I read something about hangover's this morning!" He stated, making me groan as I'm still suffering from one right now.

"It appears, if you drink coffee, it makes it even worse! Isn't that interesting?" He asked us, making me close my eyes and count to ten in my head to avoid saying something mean to him.

"That is indeed very interesting Jimin! I never knew that" Y/N said in a sarcastic tone, making me chuckle.

She shoots her gaze at me, seemingly annoyed with the fact that I chuckled, as I quickly shut up. She looks me up and down before focussing on Jimin again, making me frown in confusion, did I make her mad?

"Alright Y/N, as you seem to know all of the interesting stories already, why don't you have one for us?" Jimin sassily asked her as I looked at her in anticipation.

"Well now that you've said this, I might have one for you" She suddenly said, making Jimin frown as he would most likely have expected some sort of insult from her.

"I happened to read that sexual relations in the workplace may cause emotional imbalance and a halt on productivity, often leading to unnecessary tension between all of the coworkers" Y/N stated, making me widen my eyes.

She is totally shading me.

"Isn't that interesting?" She said in a sarcastic tone, making me somewhat annoyed with her.

"On that same topic, it can make your coworkers feel less valued and under appreciated, especially if the boss is involved" Y/N said, making it incredibly awkward again as she now looked me straight into my eyes.

"Interesting, right Taehyung?" Y/N said as I was fuming.

I have never been intimate with Nancy whatsoever and I never would. Intimate relationships in the workplace are unacceptable and unnecessary. It could only work between colleagues that are on a similar level, leaving my chances slim anyways.

"Very interesting" I said as I glared at her.

"But as far as I'm concerned, no such thing is happening around here" I stated as I looked her straight into her eyes, making her frown.

She is playing with me and I don't know why. Perhaps she was disappointed in what she saw? But the only reason she would be that comes up in my mind is because it is unprofessional, what else could it be?

Y/N suddenly laughed, making me frown as that wasn't the reaction I was expecting. Why would she laugh at a comment like that, does she think this whole situation is funny or something? What is up with her?

"That is hilarious" She said as Jimin started to chuckle as well, making me look at him with sharp eyes.

"And how is this possibly hilarious?" I asked her as Jungkook gulped, probably feeling the tension arising in the conversation.

"Well I don't know, you deny there are any sexual relationships at this workplace" Y/N said as she started her explanation.

"But yet, when we walk inside your office, we managed to see a front row show" She said as she stopped laughing for a moment.

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