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"Nothing's wrong, I just - I have a lot on my mind." Allison lied, as Her, Riley and Lydia walked around the mall.

Riley was uncomfortable around Allison to say the least, but she had to play it cool.

"You could smile, at least. Ever heard of the saying, "Never frown. Someone could be falling in love with your smile"?" Lydia chirped.

"Smile, Allison. I'm buying you a dress." Lydia spoke.

"And I'm doing whatever you tell me since I still feel bad about kissing Scott and I have my own dress to worry about." Riley chimed in.

"Have to admit as far as apologies go, that's more than I expected." Allison smiled. "Excellent." Riley nodded.

"But not as much as I'm going to ask." Allison added. "Wait, what? What's that supposed to mean?" Riley panicked.

"It means you're going to put on your big girl pants and you're going to ask Stiles to the dance." Allison decaled.

"My punishment is going to the dance.. with my boyfriend?" Riley asked in confusion. "Are you sure you know the meaning of punishment?"

"It's not punishment. You didn't kiss Scott, he kissed you. And Stiles is really shy and doesn't know how to ask you to the dance in the slightest, so you'll do it for him." Allison explained.

"Think of this as an 'I'm sorry for breaking your best friend's heart to the point where he tried to get with you' thing."

"Ahh. Always a classic." Riley joked.

"Well get to asking." Allison spoke, as her vision glanced over to Stiles.

He was in the expensive perfumes section, trying them all on. He sniffed one, raising a brow before spraying it. Not even seconds later, he started sneezing rapidly, as he backed away, making foreign noises in the process.

Riley grabbed Allison's hand, giving it a squeeze as she started to walk determinately towards Stiles.

When she arrived, her boyfriend stood up straight, as she looked at him with raised brows.

"Stiles, what are you doing here?" Riley asked curiously, as she dusted off his shirt.

"Um, definitely not spying on you because there's an alpha roaming around. That would be creepy." The hazel eyed boy spoke.

Riley sighed, running a hand through her hair as she spoke. "I can protect myself."

"Yeah, I know." Stiles lied. He didn't know or care. He'd still be worried out of his mind either way.

"I just like seeing you. And I don't trust Peter Hale." he nodded. "Right." Riley chirped, as she looked at Stiles nervously.

"Well that's not why I came over here..." Riley remembered, looking up. "It's not? Why did you then?" Stiles asked.

"I wanted to know if you'd go to the dance with me."

Stiles face lit up at the question, as he looked into Riley's blue eyes. "Um I.. I would love to go with you to the dance Riley Grace Swindler."

Dark Red » Stiles Stilinskiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें