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"hey riley." issac spoke, sitting down.

"hey isaac, you look nice today." riley complimented, smiling.

"i do? uh, thanks." the brunette boy replied, a genuine smile taking over his face for the first time in a while. "no problem." riley smiled back, as she looked up seeing scott and stiles walk in the door.

economics, with coach was starting soon, and everyone was just chatting.

"well, to kill time you wanna see a funny cat video?" riley asked isaac awkwardly. "uh, sure." isaac replied, smiling, as riley pulled out her phone. the video started playing, and it was a compilation of a black cat named enoch, who loved to climb up walls, onto ceiling fans and overall had suicidal tendencies.

by the time the video ended, isaac was a laughing fit, who was clutching his stomach, leaning his head on riley's shoulder. "he's like possessed or something!" isaac exclaimed, laughing, as riley chuckled. "i know right!" the blonde laughed back.

what she didn't know was that scott and stiles were watching the two, from a few seats behind. stiles, who was extremely jealous, and scott who sighed, wishing his friend would just tell riley how he felt already.

"let's go, sit! sit! sit!" coach yelled, as he entered through the door. "we've got a lot to cover today! let's go."

scott scooted up a seat, and stiles sat behind him, as allison walked through the door. "hey." allison smiled, as she went over to scott. "i haven't seen you all day."

scott looked at the brunette awkwardly, letting out a cough as he spoke. "yeah, um, i've been super busy." he lied. "when are you gonna get your phone fixed?" allison asked, completely oblivious to scott not wanting to be around her at the moment. "i feel like i'm totally disconnected from you."

"uh, soon?" scott spoke, although it came out as more of a question. "also i changed lab partners." allison smiled. "to who?" scott asked in confusion. "to you dummy." the brunette smiled.

riley cringed at the conversation, tuning the rest out. that's one thing she liked about being single, avoiding awkward conversations like the one scott and ali were having.

coach slammed a book down on his desk, grabbing riley's attention. she turned around looking at scott, who was awkwardly, trying to ignore allison's presence, despite not wanting to. riley smiled at him, and he smiled back, before she turned around.

"settle down." coach spoke loudly, as he skimmed the classroom. "let's start with a quick summary of last night's reading." he declared. everyone started to raise their hands excitedly, as riley just stared blankly.

"greenburg put your hand down." coach sighed.

isaac leaned back in his seat, just like riley, as coach scanned for a victim.


"huh?" scott asked, his head snapping up. apparently he wasn't listening.

"the reading." coach spoke up, as he moved some books out of his way to sit down on his desk. "last night's reading?" scott asked dumbly. "how about the reading of the gettysburg address?" coach started to taunt.

some people laughed while scott looked at him in confusion. "that's sarcasm. you familiar with the term 'sarcasm', mccall?" scott tensed, looking uncomfortable. "very." scott replied, as he turned to a smirking stiles.

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