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"Scott Mccall."

Gerard Argent was currently holding the four teens in his office, reading from their files.

"Academically not the most accomplished, but I see you've become quite the star athlete."

Scott squirmed uncomfortably in his chair from beside Riley, hating the way Gerard was staring him down. He had clued Riley, Stiles, and Peyton in on the man's status- the newest addition to the Argent hunters located in Beacon Hills, and apparently he was more psycho than Kate.

Riley was sure no one could be as psycho as that bitch Kate Argent, but clearly she was misinformed. Scott had seen with his own eyes, Gerard slice an omega werewolf in half, claiming that every werewolf in Beacon Hills was going to die, as revenge for Peter killing his daughter.

In Riley's opinion, Peter Hale had did the world a favor, one last big bang before he went out.

"Riley Swindler." he then spoke, putting emphasis on er name, as he turned to her. "That's me." Riley replied awkwardly, as she sat up straight.

"You have outstanding grades, Solid 3.9 Gpa, and I see you are into photography, anything in particular may I ask?"

Riley looked up at the man nervously, as she slowly shook her head. "Nope. I just take pictures of what I love, nature, my friends and family, anything."

"Hmm. I see." Gerard nodded, turning to Peyton next.

"Peyton Grey, you're fairly new here, transferred from a local highschool in Canada." The older man proclaimed, staring down the second blonde. "What drew to come to Beacon Hills?"

"My sister." Peyton replied blankly, as she tapped her foot impatiently.

"You have relatives here? I must add that to the file." Gerard replied. "Yep. My sister right here." Peyton replied, looking over to Riley, who just smiled, gave the girl a solemn look.

"Oh? I didn't even realize, it's the last names that tricked me up." Gerard chuckled, as he began to speak again. "Well, there's not much here on you Miss. Grey, I'm fairly curious actually."

Peyton gave him a blank stare, as she replied. "Well, you know what the say, curiosity killed the cat."

Gerard almost flinched at the word killed, probably thinking of Kate, as he cleared his throat, turning to Stiles. "Mr. Stilinski, perfect grades, but little to no extracurricular." he proclaimed, putting down the file. "Maybe you should try lacrosse."

Stiles frowned, as he went to speak. "Oh, actually I'm already-"

Gerard then lifted a finger, cutting him off. "Oh, hold on." he paused, turning to Scott. "You're the Scott Mccall that was dating my granddaughter."

Riley rolled her eyes, once again Stiles was back burned. Peter did it, Derek did it, Argent did it, everyone just put Stiles off because he wasn't supernatural, when in reality if it wasn't for the hazel eyed boy, Scott would probably be buried under leaves in the wood, chopped in half.

Riley turned to her boyfriend, smiling softly, as Scott stuttered out a response.

"We were dating, but not anymore. Not dating, not seeing each other, not doing anything with each other at all." Scott rambled, seemingly nervous to be in the presence of a man who would murder him without a second thought. His non-stop talking earned a low kick from Riley that basically told him to 'shut up'.

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