Now she'd have to talk to Scott, Stiles, and even Derek about the fact that the Argent family carried explosive arrows.

"I don't know.." Allison trailed off, slowly putting the bow down.

"Well that was fun." Lydia spoke up sarcastically, as she slapped her gloves together. "Any more lethal weapons you want to try out?"

"Or, can we please go shopping now?" Riley begged.

Her grandma had randomly went out of town and left Riley no notice whatsoever. She had been acting super weird since Riley confessed about knowing about her powers and they talked about Peyton.

Riley didn't think too much of it though, she had other things to worry about.

She'd went half and half on a dress with her grandma. She'd earned about 150 bucks from posting an ad on Craigslist to take pictures for students projects since she was invested in photography.

And her grandma offered up another hundred in case the dress costed more than expected, or she needed shoes or something.

Suddenly, a twig snapped in the distance, causing all three of the girls to look up, and go silent. Another twig snapped, echoing through the woods.

Riley sighed, trying hard to concentrate on not creating the weird purple mist that happened everytime she felt like, any emotion.

"Hold this." Allison spoke, not looking at her friends as she kept her eyes on the distance. She handed the bow to Lydia, who looked laced with fear.

"What, why?" The strawberry blonde whispered.

"Because I thought I heard something." Allison explained.

"I heard it too." Riley agreed. As much as she hated to, she wanted to know what it was too.

"It's normal for people to be in the woods." Lydia whispered, but Riley didn't hear the rest of her sentence.

"I want to find out what that something is." Allison replied, rolling her eyes. "Don't worry, it's probably nothing."

Lydia's eyes widened as she shook her head. "Well what is that nothing is something and that something is dangerous."

"Shoot it." The talk brunette deadpanned, as she started to walk away.

Riley sighed, nodding, as she ran a hand through her hair, keeping watch of her surroundings and waiting for her friend to come back.


Allison had been gone for about two minutes when Riley suddenly screamed, more like roared so loud it echoed through the woods.

Her body was perfectly fine, but all she could here was whispering in her head.

"Scott?" Riley called out as Lydia ran to her side. "S-- what? Scott's not here." Lydia deadpanned.

"No, I know." Riley lied. "Just go find Allison."

"I'm not leaving you!" Lydia yelled.

Riley went to argue, when suddenly Allison, came into view, looking perfectly intact not a hair out of place.

"What's wrong?" Allison asked.

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