(11.14.18) Jade's Lullaby - M, 5.7k [A]

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["'I told you you'll go home. Okay? You'll go home Tori. You'll go home...'"]

It was bright and early, and none of the students wanted to be there. Even so, they all looked out from their car windows to the hundred-and-something-year-old barn, the wood so old that each plank had a different color resembling a different history. The only "new" thing about it (which was probably thirty years old at best) was the metal-patched roof.

"Alright, here we are!"

Students crowded around the old, rickety barn as they hopped out of their vehicles—but clustered closer to their friends. Sikowitz, with his hair wild from underneath a strange hat (nobody said anything about it), crossed his arms and surveyed the building. "This will be an excellent stage for the play in the spring. What do you say?" He glanced over his shoulder to a group of students.

Robbie, with his puppet—Rex—stuffed in his backpack, said, "I don't know... It looks like it's weak. And the weather on the news isn't boding well."

"Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with him on this," Beck noted from beside him. "How did you find this anyway?"

"The school did," Sikowitz explained. "It was cheap so we'll have to fix it up and all that. Which is why those guys are here." He pointed to a team of professionals as they strolled out of the barn.

"The kid's right. It does need some supports," one said as he trudged over to Sikowitz. "But it won't fall anytime soon, especially if we start now. We were all able to walk on the second level without any problems. It's the supports at the roof that's the issue. If anything serious were to happen—"

"Like a hurricane?" Robbie asked.

The man looked at him. "No, kid. I mean, yeah, but you don't need to worry about that shit. We're here and nothing's going to happen. It's clear today, so not even a drop of rain will come." He turned back to Sikowitz. "Oh, my name's Ben by the way. And there's Steven, and Mark who are the head of this team."

"Alright, nice to meet you," Sikowitz said. "I'm Erwin, leader of this team right here: that awkward young boy is Robbie—"

"Hey! I prefer man."

"Oh shut the fuck up, Robbie. He didn't call you a wipe, did he?" (This was coming from somebody who had to sit with him for two hours in the car.)

"And that...cheerful young lady is Jade." Jade crossed her arms with indifference (again: two hours) as she strolled to Beck's side, another two girls with her. "That bubbly youngster," Sikowitz continued, "is Cat. Tori there is the nice one and then good ol' Beck... And, where's Andre?"

"He's trying to find a good spot to park his new car under some shade," Beck replied. "He'll be here though."

"Okay. Anyway, the rest of the youngsters are with other chaperones. They'll be glad to meet with you fine gentlemen, I'm sure." Ben bobbed his head, then left to meet with the other adults and groups of students. "Right," Sikowitz said, clapping his hands together. "We're in charge with cleaning out the barn today, and the snack bar over there. How about we look through to see what we're up against, and then I'll meet with Lane to see what his group is doing in the barn as well." Nobody argued, and followed him to the old, weathered building.

Once through the great doors left wide open, it was obvious as of why the barn was chosen for a performance stage. The space was vast and expansive, with stairs on once side leading to what was quite possibly another room—most likely for storage. Immediately, Andre and Beck were drawn to the stairs. Once they had each gone up a few steps, Andre a few higher, Beck confirmed Ben's statement from before: "Yeah, these aren't even giving in."

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