(8.26.18) Hot Tamales - M, 4.4k [Sm]

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["'I'm hungry.' And before Tori could even argue back, Jade added, 'They didn't hit the spot I needed.'"]

"I don't care if Trina's being an ass, or if you already have the part," her voice thundered down the hall, "I went first in tryouts and I got understudy again!"

Tori rolled her eyes as she halted at the door, hand against the handle. "So? I got the part Jade, big deal! I obviously did better than you!" She was met with an aggressive glare, Jade halting right before her. She felt as if she'd shrink if the door didn't open soon enough - which was irrational since her hand was in control of that.


Jade scowled as Tori pushed through the door. Few people paid attention to the dispute as they strolled in, the others too busy hauling large props (and other people). "I already told you, Trina asked Sikowitz to switch our parts so that we look more similar."

"And he agreed? Beck and Andre played fucking twins and nobody said anything!" Jade snarled. Tori only shrugged. "Hey, hey! I did better than you, and you know it-"


"Yeah! So why don't you go and switch them back?" Tori groaned, grumbling under her breath. "What was that?"

Before there was an answer, a holler came from the catwalk. "Hey! You two," Sinjin - with his uncomfortable gruel in his voice - called down, "can you help with the lighting for this?" The two girls frowned at one another before setting off to help. They rested their bags on a seat - Jade toppling over Tori's to make room for her own - before climbing a long ladder.

"You know, you could've just put yours to the seat next to mine," Tori growled, feeling Jade's glare searing at her shoulders.

There was a scoff. "'You know,'" Jade began to mock, "'you could've just put yours to the seat next to-' Bull. You know, you could've just talked to Sikowitz about how fucking stupid the role placements were."

"Oh my god, are you still going on about that?"

"Uh -" the thespian gave a harsh laugh "- yeah. Don't act like you wouldn't."

Tori folded her arms once she reached the top, Jade grumbling as she made her way up. "Actually, no," she protested, backing away once the other girl stomped onto the catwalk, "I would be supportive like a good friend."

Jade arched her brow. "Look at that, I've got a perfect little princess here."

The half-Latina started down the walk, shaking her head. "What would you rather me be?" She glanced over her shoulder, watching a twisted smirk form.

"My perfect little bitch."

"Jade." Tori exhaled sharply, swerving around boxes of equipment. "Now I definitely don't want to talk to Sikowitz."

"Like you were even considering it." Jade received a sharp stare as a retort. "Just get him to put it back!"

Tori answered stubbornly, "No."

"How about, yes?"


Both girls halted once Sinjin handed Jade a large box of lightbulbs. "Take these down," he grumbled, sealing the top with tape, "all of these ones are worthless." As Sinjin began filling another box, the thespian looked over towards Tori.

She then ordered, "You hold it."


Jade rolled her eyes. "Just hold it!" The box was jerked into Tori's arms forcefully, the half-Latina giving a quick grunt. Abruptly she slipped, her body rammed against the rail before she flung herself - dropping the dead lightbulbs - to Jade. She squeaked as the thespian hissed, tripping over a loose wire. The two crashed to the floor of the catwalk, violently shaking it. The box was nowhere to be seen, though the turmoil underneath them rang loudly in their ears. Sinjin, however, watched as the box smacked against a prop wall, which fell into a long tower in turn. The tower smashed into rows of benches and chairs as several students fled to the side of the room.

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