(3.11.17) Never to be Friends - M, 3.9k [Sm]

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[Sometimes, one night is all it takes for everything to be answered. But Tori Vega had had her answer from the beginning; Jade West would never be her friend, and she made that very clear.]

Nozu had been a hit once it had sprung up from the mist of Asian restaurants, filling the usual crowd with sushi, karaoke and blazing colors. This afternoon, in particular, seemed to be the most thrilling after many songs were sung. Many people passed the hours, coming in after the brisk air chilled their small coats to strolling out, date at hand, back into the moon's shining light. New faces were seen, filtered out by the hour or two.

In the center of it all sat two behind the bar, feeling as the long hours wore them down, degrading their patience slowly as they conversed with one another. "God I'm glad those two left, it's been like, what, an hour?" the raven beauty snapped, taking another bite as her pale eyes flicked over the crowd.

"Yeah," the other nodded, scratching behind her ear as long, brunette hair fell in strands. "Then they stayed after that song..."

"Never want to see them again," the first scoffed, pale emeralds glimmering towards the half-Latina sitting next to her. Her gut nearly flipped over itself as dark, coffee bean eyes gazed right back, as they had the several other times during the night's progression.



"Hmm?" the half-Latina pursed her lips, her head cocked to the side as she felt her eyes furrow slightly at her forced date. All of this, as they both reminded themselves, was all thanks to the crazed acting teacher's antics.

"What time is it?"

Tori Vega only rolled her eyes, chuckling to herself as her eyes scanned her phone promptly. "10:57, only a few minutes from the last time you checked, and before that, then before that and then-"

"Alright!" the thespian growled sheepishly, "I get it. I just want to leave."

"I know, so do I but-" the other admitted, clutching her jacket before it fell from the back of the seat, "We can't otherwise we'll fail the semester... Jade, quit flipping Burf and Sinjin off, they're just doing what Sikowitz said."

Pale green eyes glared at Tori before her hand snaked it's way down, back to the side of the bowl. Jade gave an exasperated sigh before slumping to the back of her chair, cursing at the ceiling as the half-Latina rolled her eyes. After a few quiet moments between the two, the pale writer sat back up. "So what'd you think we should do? Don't want to fucking stay here for another hour just staring at the ceiling."

"Okay then," the youngest Vega sat back, thumbing over her right wrist, "How about we play 20 questions?"

"That the best you can come up with?"

"Jade..." Tori raised her eyebrow, "Come on, we've already been here for a few hours, might as well not waste it."

"Okay, uh," Jade clicked her tongue off the roof of her mouth. After stripping her thoughts from the night's previous conversations, she shrugged before turning to the side, "What else do you like about me?" The half-Latina shifted in her seat, eyes firmly locked onto the wooden chopsticks in front of her. In actuality, she had many answers up her sleeve, although it was difficult to explain how she would admire the way Jade's voice husked as she sang quietly, or how Jade's eyes lit up enthusiastically as she wrote. It was difficult to explain how she observed Jade's crossed-eyes whenever she was particularly annoyed or how she gave a soft smile as Jade's hand was clasped around her own. There were so many things, so many things that made her heart thump excitedly against her ribs.

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