(1.15.17) Letter of Confession - M, 11.4k [A*]

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["It was an explosion, her near screams made it feel worse. If she had a heart, Jade West knew that it was now taken. A knife had plunged into her chest and torn the muscle out, leaving a raw, empty hole that throbbed with an aching pain. 'Tori, please... I love you...'"]

The Autumn breeze shifted through the trees, gliding across the green grass watered daily. The sun hung around with light clouds scattered across the darkening sky. Birds chirped somewhat lazily as a group of teens immersed themselves in the fairgrounds. Many laughs, shouts and hollers clashed joyfully with the flashing, bright colors of the games around them. It was a great day. It was the perfect day even... It was supposed to be a great day. It was supposed to be the perfect one.

As the group of teens separated to their each individual games, the three boys, Beck, Robbie and Andre, stalked off towards the calling ball toss while the girls stayed behind. As Trina and Cat conversed themselves about, well God knows what with the redhead, the younger Vega constantly looked behind her back nervously. Her foot tapped the ground while her right palm soothed the left's forearm.

"Vega? What are you panicking about?" Jade spat, folding her arms as the half-Latina flipped her attention onto her.

"I-I have a really bad feeling about him... He's been staring at you for the past thirty minutes." Dark green eyes followed the slight nodding gesture, analyzing the man by the booth. He wore plain clothing; jeans, grey shirt with a white hoodie. Nothing struck odd with him at first glance, although- "I just, I don't know. Ever since the restaurant when you paid... I can't shake the feeling."

The Goth slowly looked around before the coast was clear before stepping forward and wrapping her arms around the other's waist, placing her chin softly on the left shoulder, keeping a careful eye on the man. "Tori... I know, I've been watching him too," she murmured softly in the Vega's ear, "But relax, it's a day off of school... There's no need to put worries in your head."

Tori grinned slightly, nuzzling Jade, swaying with her, before whispering, "Thanks, I needed that. But, we still watch him?"

"Of course," the raven haired teen nodded before snapping out of their embrace as the boys strode over, Robbie walking with his back limp.

"Oh come on, it's fine to get only one pin down," Beck grinned gingerly, patting the ventriloquist on the back.

"That was by accident," he muttered thickly before smiling at his friend's comfort.

"I wonder what else is an accident..." Jade retorted, earning a small kick to the shins. Flinching only for a second, she rolled her eyes, recalling the promise she gave Tori the other night. After a few minutes, the gang was back on track, hitting every stop. The two trailed behind a few paces, constantly making sure that they were yards away from the man who seemed to have the exact same route as them.

Tori wouldn't ever say, but it wouldn't change the fact that her stomach was in a twist, feeling a sickening pang every time Jade guided her away from a certain spot as a figure shifted with them. Jade, on the other hand, felt the same, though all of her worries were projected on the youngest Vega, practically feeling her heart beat with her pounding one; even if many doubted that she had heart, assuring themselves it was a small piece of stone, let alone just a cavity.

— — — — — — — — — 

The half-Latina giggled slightly at the gleeful smirk painted on Jade's face as her legs pinch pale sides. Shaking her head, Tori leaned down, placing her hands on the black sheets, and skimmed over the other's mouth, grinning as she heard a groan of annoyance. "My God you're such a tease," she growled, one arm wrapping around the caramel waist as her right palm cupped the cheekbones. The Goth smirked, feeling as the fading lust fell and the gentle, kind lips locked with her own.

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