(9.6.17) So What if Patience is a Virtue? - M, 4.1k [Sm]

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[An arcade, as Sikowitz figures, is a good place to hold a competition for a pair to snatch main roles for an upcoming play. However, another comes about leading to other places; Tori knows that patience equals gain while Jade ensures that, sometimes, impatience leads to a better reward.]

Music attempted to pulse through the many laughs, hollers and cheers with the blinding, flashing lights of the games around. Pins crashed and tumbled as balls rocketed towards them, others waiting in line excitedly for doors to open below the sign glowing 'Sky-High Lazer Tag.' Pale eyes among the group of chattering friends narrowed, nitpicking at the misspelled word. Of course it was for advertising though her mind was made up: it was the most retarded excuse of spelling for gain she'd seen.

"Come on Jade," the goth staggered, eyes widening in retaliation as an elbow playfully prodded her side, "Let's play more games!"

She merely scoffed, brushing off her arm, glaring at dark eyes grumpily. "Or we can do what we did before and have you play games and I narrate. That was fun." The half-Latina rolled her eyes, the musician strolling through.

"Yeah," he clapped his hand on Jade's shoulder, her eyes set on the bottom of one of the games in a glower, "Come on, it'll be fun. The food isn't ready yet."

"Fine, fine, alright," she muttered, shrugging away, "Come on Vega, let's go play that one game."

"What one game?"

"Where I get to bash heads with a mallet." The singer shook her head, groaning as a firm grip tightened around her wrist, whisking her away from the rest. Robbie hushed Rex as the puppet made a comment about "the wicked witch and sweet Southern girl," Cat smiling, a knowing glint in her eyes.

"What is that look about?" Andre furrowed his brows, Beck nodding along.

"Oh nothing," she simply chirped, skipping away towards a few other games. At the gopher game - which Jade had nearly broken before - Tori folded her arms, 'tisks' sounding from between her teeth,

Pale eyes narrowed, Jade growling, "What?"

"You have to wait," she gripped a porcelain hand tightly, "The little boy won't be long."

Jade huffed, eyeing the small kid whacking away at the small pests popping from the holes. "But I want to get to it now..."

"And you'll have to be patient," Tori murmured calmly, "Just like waiting for the laser tag, and the claw machine, and the-"


"Patience is a virtue Jade," the half-Latina continued.

"So what if patience is a virtue? If you wait long enough for pigs to fly your sweet grandpa-pa is going to be withered and dead from age and your dog run over by a truck." Whimpers came from beside her, the two teens glancing down at big, watery eyes, the small Asian girl having tears roll down her cheeks. Tori sighed testily as the mother came by, giving Jade a glare only a mother can give. She scoffed as Jade gave one of her own - which can be considered a true rival - the half-Latina smiling apologetically.

"Jade!" she hissed, the goth's arms folding, "You can just do that! Especially when there's so many kids!" The thespian merely shrugged, sauntering towards the opened game, swiping her card on the new, electronic scanner. Within a couple of seconds, the mallet swung, hitting each and every gopher promptly. "I swear," the singer grit her teeth, "You require so much patience."

The goth snickered quietly, clearing her throat. "Oh my goodness! I'd say, me Sweet Sally Peaches, that patience is a virtue that should be a part of everyone's world!" her voice rang through the tanned teen's ears, the voice rattling irritably against her skull.

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