Chapter 23

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No one's POV

The evening came soon and Harry sat in the common room waiting.

Daphne, Tracy and Blaise sat with surprisingly Malfoy who joined them in playing chess.

The duel came time and the Seventh year came and a crowd gathered around them of all years.

"I'll give you this one chance to admit defeat and surrender the title of King to me." The seventh year said and Harry merely took out his wand.

"I'd rather not to a weakling." Harry said glaring him down.

The two began there duel and Harry was the first one to attack.

"Incendio." Harry muttered shooting the fire spell at the Seventh year who blocked it with a shield charm.

"Stupefy." The Seventh year said as he shot the spell at Harry who dodged it.

"Petrificus Totalus." The seventh year shot another spell at Harry who cast the shield charm just in time.

"Shouldn't a Seventh year have more experience in this?" Harry asked and it infuriated the Seventh year.

"Crucio!" The seventh year exclaimed and Harry was surprised that he didn't react fast enough and the spell hit him.

Harry felt pain but it felt like nothing to what he already experienced.

"Ready to give up Kaneki?" The seventh year sneered and Harry turned to Daphne who nodded.

Harry turned to the seventh year with an angry glare.

"Let me show you what a proper Cruciartus curse looks like." Harry said raising his wand to the seventh year.

"Crucio!" Harry exclaimed with a great force and when it bit the Seventh year he fell to the ground screaming in pain.

The spell on Harry stopped and Harry glared down at the Seventh year who screamed in pain and he cancelled the spell.

Harry walked to the seventh year who was still on the floor and grabbed him by the hair.

"Never challenge your king again." Harry said throwing him back to the ground.

Harry walked to the others as others took the seventh year to the First aid wing.

"How do you know Unforgivables?" Tracy asked in shock and a little fear.

"I learnt them." Harry said and no one asked a question as they knew it would go unanswered.

Weeks had passed since that duel and soon it was three days before Christmas Eve.

Students were leaving the school to spend Christmas with there family.

Harry had told his sister that he wasn't going to be around with her on Christmas and she understood and said she would still have Kyle to spend Christmas with as he was staying as well.

Harry had come to accept Kyle and Hermione as his sisters friends as they were nice people after getting to know them more Kyle who had already proven be was a good person.

Hermione had taken some getting used too at the start but she had soon been a good friend.

Even Malfoy had changed for the better he showed Harry how he had changed and Harry had come to accept him as a friend as well as had the others slowly however but they did.

Harry had put his things in his satchel and walked to Daphne's door and knocked.

"Come in." Harry heard Daphne say as he walked in to see Daphne had finished packing her bags.

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