Chapter 31

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No one's POV

The day had gone quicker than Harry would have liked it too.

He was currently sitting next to Daphne as she was reading one of the book Harry had gotten her.

"Daphne I need to tell you something." Harry said looking down.

"What is it Harry?" Daphne asked looking up from her book.

"I need to leave tonight to help my sister but for this you can't help me and I apologize for this." Harry said and Daphne closed her book and looked at him.

"Is this dangerous?" She asked and Harry looked at her.

"I don't know honestly it could very well be." Harry said and Daphne sighed.

"Come back to me alive or I swear Harry I will find a way to kill you." Daphne said and glared at him.

Harry smiled and nodded before placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I will always come back to you alive." Harry said smiling at her.

Daphne smiled and went back to her book while Harry got up.

"I'll be getting ready now I'll see you later and if not goodnight." Harry said and gave Daphne a small kiss on her lips.

Harry walked away leaving a red cheeked Daphne as she went to her room.

Harry walked into his room and grabbed his Ghoul outfit from under his bed.

Harry put on his Ghoul outfit and put on his mask and waited.

Harry waited for some time before he left his room and went to leave the house.

"Going somewhere Mr. Kaneki?" Harry turned around and saw Snape.

"I'm going to protect my sister from getting hurt." Harry said as his eye turned to the Kakugan.

"Ahh so you are Centipede very well then I will allow you to go but I will alert the teachers." Snape said and Harry nodded.

"Thank you sir...for everything you've done for me so far." Harry said and left the common room.

Snape looked around before a small smile dawned his face.

"Your welcome Harry." Snape said before he left as well and went to alert the teachers.

Harry arrived in the room to see one of the three headed dogs heads through the door meaning he was late.

One of the dogs heads saw Harry and growled alerting the others of him.

They all stood up and charged at Harry who let his Kagune free.

"Enough!" Harry yelled at Fluffy who abruptly stopped in place sitting down.

"Good girl." Harry said and rubbed each of there heads.

"Now be a good girl and wait for the teachers to come and let them pass." Harry said and Fluffy nodded and Harry took treats out of his pocket and gave one to each of them before leaving.

Harry jumped down the door and saw the Devil's Snare.

"Incendio." Harry said as he sent a fireball at the plant covering himself with his Kagune for protection.

Harry landed on the ground as he unwrapped himself from his Kagune as it faded out of existence.

Harry continued running and saw the door that had keys stabbed through it.

"This makes it a bit obvious." Harry rolled his eyes as he used his Kagune and broke down the door.

Harry ran through and saw Hermione and Kyle.

"Where is she?" Harry asked as he ran to them.

Hermione looked at Harry confused while Kyle pointed to the next room.

"Dementor!" Harry yelled and a Dementor appeared.

"Yes master?" The dementor asked and Hermione's eyes widened.

"You tell no one of this Hermione." Harry said as he took off his mask with a serious look on his face.

Hermione nodded and Harry turned back to the Dementor.

"Take them both to the Hospital wing see to it they are safely there I beg you." Harry asked and the Dementor nodded.

"For my master anything." The dementor said and took them both and aparated to the medical wing before aparating back to Harry.

"They are safe Master." The dementor said and Harry nodded his thanks.

"Thank you I appreciate this." Harry said and the Dementor nodded and aparated away.

Harry turned to the room and saw fire so he quickly dashed there with his Kagune moving freely behind him.

Harry jumped through the fire to see his sister and Quirrel.

"Give me the stone." A scratchy voice said and Harry felt an annoyance in his head.

'Kaneki, Touka what's happening?' Harry asked and felt the annoyance begin to feel worse.

Harry never got an answer as he grabbed Quirrel with his Kagune pulling him away from his sister.

Harry activated his Kakugan and glared.

"I warned you." Harry said and slammed him to the ground.

Harry threw him into the wall and ran to Jessie.

"What happened?!" Harry asked as he ran to her.

"Harry that's not Quirrel!" Jessie said and Harry looked confused before turning to Quirrel and being blasted.

"Crucio!" Quirrel said and Harry fell to his knees and grit his teeth.

"That's right Kaneki I am not just your professor." Quirrel said.

"He is in fact my vessel." Quirrel said and turned his head revealing Voldemort's face.

Harry growled as he stood to his feet.

"You." Harry said and drew his wand.

"I have waited to do this for to long." Harry said and smiled insanely.

"Avada Kedavra!" Harry yelled as a green flash came but Quirrel avoided the blast.

"Very interesting indeed you know an Unforgivable." Voldemort said with slight interest.

"I will destroy you!" Harry yelled in hatred as he turned to his sister.

She looked at him in shock before she had fainted from exhaustion.

Harry turned back to Quirrel and let his Kagune free and attacked Quirrel as he charged at him.

Quirrel had been hit by the Kagune as his body was stabbed and thrown.

Quirrel now laid on the ground spitting up blood as his vision was blurry.

He looked up to see Harry wearing his Ghoul mask with his Kakugan glowing red.

"I am not one who enjoys being angered so before I finish you I ask you one thing." Harry said and Quirrel looked at him.

"O-Of course M-Mr. K-Kaneki." Quirrel said and Harry kicked him onto his stomach.

"Not you...him." Harry said in anger.

"Ahhh yes what is it my boy?" Voldemort asked and Harry drew his wand.

"Will you return if I use the killing curse on you?" Harry asked smiling but before an answer could be given.

"Avada Kedavra!" Harry yelled this time hitting its target.

Harry saw as something flew out of the body and Harry felt unimaginable pain in his head.

Harry fell to the ground and everything else went black.


That's it for this chapter

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