Chapter 89

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No one's POV

Kyle handed him the paper before they all crammed into the tiny kitchen.

Hermione had made Mrs Weasley a cup of very strong tea, into which Mr Weasley insisted on pouring a shot of Ogdens Old Firewhiskey.

Mr Weasley scanned the front of the paper while Percy looked over his shoulder.

"I knew it." Mr Weasley said heavily.

"Ministry blunders... culprits not apprehended...lax security....Dark wizards running unchecked...national disgrace...who wrote this? Ah...of course...Rita Skeeter."

"That woman's got it in for the Ministry of Magic." Percy said furiously.

"She always finds some small unnecessary detail and turns it into some bloody catastrophe." Percy said shaking his head.

"I'm mentioned." Mr Weasley said, his eyes widened behind his glasses as he reached the bottom of the Daily Prophet article.

"Where?" Mrs Weasley spluttered, chocking on her tea and whiskey as they all looked closely

"Not by name." Mr Weasley said.

"Listen to this "If the terrified wizards and witches who waited breathlessly for news at the edge of the wood expected reassurance from the Ministry of Magic, they were sadly disappointed. A Ministry official emerged some time after the appearance of the Dark Mark, alleging that nobody had been hurt, but refusing to give any information. Whether this statement will be enough to quash the rumours that several bodies were remove from the woods an hour later, remains to be seen." Oh, really." Mr Weasley said in exasperation, handing the paper to Percy.

"Nobody was hurt, what was I supposed to say? Rumours that several bodies were removed from the woods...well, there certainly will be roumours now she's printed that."

"Don't believe what you read, Arthur, lot of it is rubbish anyway." James said as he put a hand on his shoulder.

Mr Weasley sat in silence for a few moments before he sighed.

"Molly, I'm going to have to go into the office, this is going to take some smoothing over." He said.

"I'll come with you, father." Percy said as he stretched a bit before he gained a serious expression.

"This is important, so all hands will be on deck."

With that said he walked out of the kitchen towards his room.

Not wanting to hear anymore, Harry walked out of the kitchen and sat down in the living room.

"Something wrong, Harry?"

He turned his head to see Bellatrix walking over to him as she sat down while Harry gave a small sigh.

"This is infuriating...he could be back, I was so sure that he was dead...for a moment I thought...I'd never have to worry about that bastard." Harry said as he rubbed his head.

"I don't want you in danger mum...while you might seem to have died to the world...I'm worried that Voldemort might believe otherwise." Harry said as he sat back on the couch.

Bellatrix looked at him before she gently pulled him into a hug and rubbed his head softly.

"Harry, I'm glad that you worry for me but you don't have to worry, I still have a few tricks up my sleeve." She said as she looked down at him with a smile.

Harry looked up at her before a small smile graced his face as well.

"You forget who taught you the unforgivables and how good I am at using them." She whispered giving him a wink.

Harry gave a small chuckle nodding.

"Thanks, mum...that made me feel better." Harry said as he pulled away standing up.

"Good, now try to enjoy the last few days of your holiday and don't forget that you and Kyle must consume human flesh before you leave for Hogwarts." Bellatrix said adamantly with a smile and Harry nodded.

After that for the rest of the week, Percy and Mr Weasley hadn't been home very much due to the chaos that had been going on at the Ministry.

"Damn that old bat Rita Skeeter." Percy growled on the Sunday evening before they were due to return to Hogwarts.

"Because of her damn articles and the fact that she's been ferreting around the Ministry all week, we've been receiving howlers left, right and centre as well as having to put out fires, because of course, if you don't open howlers, they explode, I've had to put out my desk three times."

"I didn't know that what happens with Howlers." Kyle said as Percy gave a frustrated sigh.

"Wish it didn't."

Harry listened to this as he stretched for a moment.

"Harry, there's a parcel from your mother here." Mrs. Weasley said as she walked over to him holding a medium sized brown parcel.

Harry was confused seeing this as during the day they had already gone and gotten their school supplies.

"Thank you Mrs Weasley." Harry said as he took the parcel from her and opened it as he moved closer and smelt it.

"What is it Harry?" Daphne asked and Harry looked at her before he put his finger to his lips.

"I must talk to Kyle." Harry said and Daphne put the pieces together what it was.


There was a definite end-of-the-holiday gloom in the air when Harry awoke the next morning.

Heavy rain was still splattering against the window as he got dressed in his usual attire, they would change into their school robes on the Hogwarts Express.

He walked out of the room and leaned against the door waiting before he heard Daphne call him.

After he walked back in and helped Daphne with her hair, the two walked down the stairs with Fred and George as they reached the first-floor landing on their way down to breakfast when Mrs Weasley appeared at the foot of the stairs, looking harassed.

"Arthur!" She called up the staircase.

"Arthur! Urgent message from the Ministry!"

Harry moved out of the way as Mr Weasley came clattering past with his robes on back-to-front, and hurled out of sight.


That's it for this chapter

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