Chapter 42

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No one's POV

"Expelliarmus." Jessie said firing a spell at Harry.

"Protego." Harry said casting a shield spell in response.

"Reducto." Harry fired a spell back as Jessie dodged it.

"Expelliarmus." Jessie casted the spell again and the two went back and forth sending spells at each other.

During this Jessie actually began to get frustrated.

"Harry I said not to hold back!" Jessie said and Harry sighed as he nodded.

Jessie fired a spell at him again as Harry swatted the spell away before he wordlessly sent a spell at Jessie as her wand flew out of her hand.

Jessie's wand flew out of her hand as Harry caught it pointing his wand at Jessie.

"Well done Mr. Kaneki and Miss Potter." Snape said nodding.

"Ten points to Slytherin for excellent dueling and use of wandless spells, Five points to Gryffindor for exceptional dueling." Snape said awarding points.

The rest of the session was filled with them all doing practice duels.

During the further course as time passed not many things had taken place though not many interesting things took place.

Aside from Malfoy making it as Slytherins seeker as well as Jessie telling Harry that she had become seeker as well.

Rumours were starting that Harry was the heir of Slytherin though he didn't pay it any mind but that didn't stop Tracy from teasing him a bit as well as his friends.

More people had been paralyzed and Hagrid reported dead hens around his shack.

Harry thought carefully of these things as a first year Hufflepuff had been paralyzed.

True to his words Harry had been teaching Keith how to be more confident in first not much progress was made but as time passed it started to work.

Harry had just sent a letter to his mother as he was sitting in his common room and was reading a book.

He read quietly as Daphne came walking to him as she sat next to him.

"I received a letter from my parents." She said and Harry closed his book and looked at her.

"What does it say?" Harry asked her.

"It's about our wedding." She said and this got Harry's interest as he sat up.

"Yes what about it?" Harry asked.

"They where hoping if we could have it after third year." Daphne said and Harry nodded.

"I'm fine with that if you are." Harry said and Daphne nodded.

"I'll write back to them later then." Daphne said as she eyed his book.

"What are you reading?" She asked curiously.

"It's a book I obtained recently about changing your voice with a bit of magic it's quite a nice trick to have." Harry said looking at the book.

Daphne raised an eyebrow as she looked at Harry.

"How far have you gotten with it?" She asked him.

"I've finished reading the book and I'd say I'm fairly decent with it." Harry said.

"Can I hear it then?"

Harry nodded as he cleared his throat as he focused his magic to his throat.

"How is this?" Harry asked his voice deep as he looked at her.

(His voice is exactly as Madara Uchihas when he talks like this)

Daphne had no words as she looked at him his changed voice sending shivers down her spine.

"V-Very impressive." She stuttered as her cheeks darkened a bit.

"Thank you." Harry said as he put the book away.

After a few minutes Daphne's shock had gone as she and Harry talked.

Harry then stood up confusing Daphne as he went to the entrance of Slytherin as it opened revealing his sister and her friends.

"Can I help you all?" Harry asked them and Jessie sighed annoyed.

"Ron won't believe us when we continuously say you are not the heir of Slytherin." Kyle said as Ron nodded.

"He probably is." Ron said as he glared at Harry who just rubbed his eyes.

"Ronald I'm growing tired of this while yes I will admit I hate muggles but my reasons for it are my own, I even hated muggle-born wizards at one point." Harry said as Ron gained a smug look.

"But I would never stoop to the point to actually kill them unless given reason too, never out of petty reasons you forget Hermione, Kyle and probably my other friends are muggle-born as well and I would certainly not hurt them." Harry said as Daphne walked over.

"But that just proves that you admit you'd kill them." Ron said.

"I would but always with reason as I would kill pure-blooded wizards as well I do not see rank I choose my actions towards people through there actions and personality it is a miracle you are still alive as it is." Harry said as he glared at the red head.

Thinking back this brought Harry back to his original thoughts of the past.

"By the way Jessie how is Ginevra?" Harry asked.

"Why do you want to know about my sister?" Ron asked but he was ignored.

"Now that you mention it she has been a bit distant lately her friends are worried about her she's been writing in this diary a lot lately." Jessie said.

"Diary? When did she get a diary?" Harry asked.

"I don't know it looks old so I'd say she had it for a while." Jessie said.

"Tell me exactly how Ginny has been acting." Harry said his tone with urgency.

"She been writing in her diary a lot, her skins been getting pale and she looks tired a lot but that's the thing she does get enough sleep, she barely interacts with anyone at all I'm a bit worried." Jessie said.

"And she often clings to that diary." Kyle said.

Harry nodded processing the information.

"Very well but it is dangerous to be out like this with all the recent paralysis of students be careful." Harry said.

"We will good night Harry." Jessie said as Kyle did the same.

"Wait...where is Hermione?" Harry asked.

"She said she wanted to go to the library and see if there was any information about what is happening." Jessie said and Harry's eye widened.

Without word he took off running to the library confusing everyone as they ran after him.


That's it for this chapter

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