Chapter 48

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No one's POV

Harry looked up slowly as he nodded his head.

"Y-Yes it's me Harry." Harry said.

James and Lily looked at him for a moment before Lily held out her arms to him.

"My baby boy come here." Lily said as James smiled at him along with Jessie.

Harry slowly walked to them climbing onto the bed as he was pulled into a hug.

"Look at how you've grown." Lily said as she hugged him.

Harry faulted as he slowly hugged them back as tears slowly trickled down his face.

Harry started to cry silently as they all hugged.

From him everyone started to cry as they were all tears of happiness.

After a little while they pulled away.

"So you two it looks like we've missed a lot look at how big you've gotten." James said chuckling a bit.

Harry and Jessie began to tell them about there first meeting and there time at Hogwarts.

"Wait what do you mean by first meeting?" Lily asked and Harry sighed.

"After you fell into a coma we were seperated...Jessie was taken in by Dumbledore while I was given to the Dursleys." Harry said and Lily gasped.

"My sister?! Why didn't Sirius take you?" She asked.

"Uncle Sirius was put into Azkaban because it was believed he was the one who gave your location to Voldemort." Jessie said.

"That's ridiculous Peter was our secret keeper because we knew Sirius would be too much of an obvious choice that rat told him." James said now angered.

"Harry did my sister and her family at least care for you?" Lily asked hoping her sister would at least do that.

Harry stayed quiet as he shook his head no.

"When I get my hands on those two I swear to Merlin I will kill them!" Lily yelled in anger.

"It doesn't matter they've already dead." Harry said as he cracked his finger.

"How? What happened?" Lily asked as she was curious but it was then that she saw Harry's hand and saw the cuff as well.

"Harry show me your hands." She said and he did as she asked.

"They are not painted but changed naturally as did my hair." Harry said frowning.

"Harry what did they do to you?" Lily asked horrified to find out.

"Can we please talk about this some other time?" Harry asked them.

Lily nodded as she laid the two down between them.

"Get some sleep now my babies we can talk more in the morning." Lily said and James nodded.

Harry and Jessie nodded soon as they both drifted off into sleep.

The next day

Harry woke up as he slowly sat up opening his eye as he looked around.

He came to the sight of the Weasley family, Greengrass, his adoptive mother and even the Tragers in front of him as some stood outside the room.

"Good morning son." James said and Harry smiled as he nodded.

"Good morning dad." Harry said as he looked at his family before he looked around.

Harry got off the bed as he walked to Bellatrix and hugged her before turning to his birth parents.

"Mum, dad this is my adoptive mother she adopted me when the Dursleys died." Harry said as he cracked his fingers.

"Thank you for looking after my son ma'am." Lily said and Bellatrix shook her head.

"No I should be thanking you for him being in my life." Bellatrix said.

Harry stayed quiet as two Aurors came into the room.

"Excuse me but we are here to take Hadrian Kaneki in for the murder of muggles as well as the death of a professor Quirrell deceased defence against the dark arts teacher as well as suspect in the murder of Bellatrix Lestrange to be taken to Azkaban until the time of his trial." The Auror read from the parchment as everyones eyes widened.

"There is no one by the name of Kaneki in this room." James said but Harry stepped forward.

"That would be me." Harry said as he walked to the Aurors.

"Harry what are they talking about?" Lily asked and Harry turned to her.

"You asked me how the Dursleys died it is because I killed them." Harry said as magic suppressing cuffs where placed on his wrists just in front of his broken ones.

They took Harry's wand but he stopped them.

"I request my wand be given to my family." Harry said.

The Aurors nodded as they handed Bellatrix his wand.

Harry turned to Daphne and reached into his pocket taking out his Ghoul mask.

He handed it to her and smiled at her.

"Please keep that for me while I am gone." Harry said as he gently kissed her forehead and walked back to the Aurors.

"Wait you can't take him you have no evidence!" Evelyn yelled.

"There is a photo of him in front of the burning Dursley home and reports from a muggle boy fitting the description of him as he killed three muggle men there bodies have yet to be found." The Auror said.

"You cannot take my son away to Azkaban he's only a boy!" Lily yelled.

"It's fine mum I'll be fine." Harry said as he turned to them all.

"I will see you all soon at some point." Harry said as he was apparated away by the Aurors.

The whole room was silent having the need to process this.

"T-They can't lock him up right?" Ginny asked.

"He surely won't be." Oliver said.

"No it can't be." James said in shock.

"James my wife, daughter and I saw the memory with our own eyes he did kill the Dursleys." Oliver said as the Greengrass woman nodded.

Everyone soon began to speak of this as Daphne held his mask close to her chest.

With Harry

Harry was taken to Azkaban as they took him inside as they magically changed his clothes into that of a prisoner while they held his uniform.

They guided Harry to a cell as the door opened.

"You will be staying with him while your here." The auror said as he pushed Harry inside.

"Hey kid how's it going?"


That's it for this chapter

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