Chapter 68

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No one's POV

They had spent the whole early morning setting up for the wedding outside the Burrow and now Harry stood by the alter in a black suit.

Technoblade stood before him as officiating the wedding.

Harry smiled as he turned and saw all his family and friends sitting down in chairs as they watched the event that was about to take place.

Soon music began to play as everyone turned and saw Daphne walking next to her father in her wedding dress.

Harry looked at her and his breath was taken away as his eye momentarily widened.

Daphne and her father reached the front as Oliver let go of her and smiled at Harry.

"Take care of my daughter, Harry." Oliver said and Harry nodded.

"I promise."

Daphne smiled at Harry who did the same as they both turned to Technoblade who smiled.

"Alright, I think we all know why we are gathered here, we are here to join these two young teenagers in marriage...I say that sentence and I immediately realise that a large portion of the adults here are not married or even have a a romantic partner, seriously guys what the heck happened?" Technoblade said and this brought some laughter from the others.

"Alright let's get this out of the way right now, if anyone objects to this marriage and can say why these two should not be wed speak now or forever hold your piece."

Everyone looked around for a moment but no one said anything so they continued with the wedding.

"I digress, I myself prefer if we skip the whole boring part of the wedding and skip to the vows." Technoblade said as he looked at Daphne.

Daphne turned to Harry and took a deep breath.

"Harry, words can't convey how thankful I am to have had you in my life for so long, we've been together since our first year of Hogwarts and you have changed me for the better in many ways...I love you with all my heart and will continue to love you forever, thank you for everything." Daphne said and Harry looked at her.

"I...I should be the one to thank you, when I first sat down on the train to Hogwarts I had no plans of ever interacting with anyone and would have most likely been alone until you and Tracy walked into the compartment I was sitting in and changed my were my first ever friends and changed me for the best because you showed me that I could be better than the monster I thought I was, you saved me first...I love you...I love you so much." Harry said as he smiled softly

Technoblade before he looked over to the side.

"The rings if you'd please."

Ginny walked over and presented the rings to them as Harry and Daphne before she walked back.

Harry smiled and turned to Daphne taking her hand and put the ring on her finger.

"Daphne with this ring, I give this to you as a sign of my love and commitment to you." Harry said as he put the ring on her finger.

Daphne smiled and took his hand doing the same.

"Harry with this ring, I give this to you as a sign of my love and commitment."

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Technoblade said.

Harry smiled and kissed Daphne's lips.

This brought on some applause from the others and soon the reception was held.

Harry smiled a bit as he took Daphne's hand and led her to the dance floor.

He put his hands were Touka and Kaneki had intructed him as the two newlyweds dance together.

"This so far has been perfect." Harry whispered and Daphne nodded smiling at him.

"It has, it's a moment I hope never ends." She said as they danced.

Technoblade was standing to the side as he watched the reception.

"Wotcher Technoblade."

Technoblade turned as he now came face to face with Tonks.

"Hey Tonks, what are you doing here?" He asked curiously.

"Saw you standing alone so figured I might as well keep you company." She said as Technoblade chuckled.

"Well thank you then, it means a lot." He said.

Technoblade looked at Tonks before he shrugged a bit.

"You look nice by the way." He said as he stretched his arms a bit.

"Thanks!" She said as her hair changed colour a bit as her cheeks had a small blush formed on them.

"Anyway what's say we dance a bit?" Technoblade suggested as he stood up and offered his hand to her.

Tonks took his hand with a nod as the two made their way to the dancefloor as well.

The newlyweds got off the dancefloor as they watched the others dance a bit.

"Well look at that." Daphne said as she pointed to Jessie who was dancing with Kyle as the two smiled at each other.

"That's not the only one." Harry said as he nodded towards Technoblade who was dancing with Tonks.


Harry and Daphne were packing their things as they were on their way to go to their honeymoon.

"Today was a great way to spend the day." Harry said as he looked at his ghoul equipment that was in a case in front of him.

Daphne noticed this and walked over putting her hand on his shoulder.

"You should leave it here." She said and Harry nodded but still pocketed his mask just in case.

"This will be a good month we can have some fun with each other in Japan for a bit." She said and Harry nodded.

"Yes, that will be a pleasant month." He said before he kissed Daphne's cheek and smiled.

"After three years, we are finally married and perhaps our fourth year will be calm...for once." Harry said and Daphne giggled.

"We can only hope."


That's it for this chapter

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