Chapter 52

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No one's POV

The party had gotten underway as Harry stood next to Technoblade.

"Parties aren't your thing?" He asked and Harry nodded.

"I'm not used to them yet but that's fine." Harry said and Technoblade nodded.

"Yeah I see how that could be difficult to enjoy but hey at least the people are nice." Techno said and Harry nodded.

"Yes but if you'll excuse me there is something I must do." Harry said as he started walking.

Harry walked around until he found Kyle talking to Jessie.

He smiled slightly and decided that he'd leave them alone as he walked to Daphne and took her hand as he walked outside with her.

"Harry is something wrong?" She asked and Harry shook his head as he looked at the sky slightly.

"Nothing is wrong I just wanted to spend time with you without family for a moment." Harry said as he looked back at her.

He gave a small smile which she returned as well.

"Hm." Harry walked closer to her and put his hands on her cheeks.

He leaned forward and gave her a gentle kiss on her lips before pulling away shortly after.

"You never give warning when you do that." She said and Harry nodded.

"I know."

"Come let's rejoin the party." Daphne said and Harry nodded as they joined hands and walked back inside where they ran into Jessie.

"Hey Harry I got you some pumpkin juice if you were thirsty." Jessie said and Harry nodded and took the glass from her.

"Thank you." He said as he raised it to his lips and was about to drink some.

"Actually Harry may I have some please?" Daphne asked and Harry nodded as he handed it to her.

She drank some and handed it back to Harry who only then realised something was off as he smelt it.

"Daphne..." He looked at her and noticed she looked sickly.

Harry quickly put the glass down and went her side as he picked her up and went to the couch alerting the others.

"Harry what's wrong?" Jessie asked and Harry shook his head.

"The pumpkin juice you gave me was spiked." He said as he put his hand on Daphne's forehead.

She didn't feel warm but she still looked sickly.

"George and Fred Weasley! What have you done?" Molly yelled at the twins.

"We haven't-" Fred started.

"Done anything!" George finished.

"Do not lie to me!" She said and Harry stood up.

"They didn't do this." Harry said looking at her.

"Well if they didn't, who did?" Astoria asked worried for her sister as her parents went to Daphne's side.

"They don't have the scent of potion residue." Harry said as he sniffed the air.

He picked up the scent but it was faint.

He turned and walked around for a bit before he stopped at Ron.

"You..." He grabbed Ron and glared.

"What did you do?" He snarled and Ron tried his best to remain silent.

"My patience is thin now tell me!" He roared as he pulled back his fist.

"F-Fine I took a potion and poured it into your drink as a prank!" Ron said quickly.

"Which potion"

"Did you take?" The twins asked a bit angry.

"I-I don't know it was a green one!" Ron said as Harry held him up.

The twins talked quietly amongst themselves before they realised which potion was taken.

"Good news, the potion is in no way life threatening!" Fred said which calmed them all down.

"The bad news however..." George said.

"What's the bad news?"

They all turned towards the epicenter of the voice as everyone's eyes widened.

In Daphne's place was not a girl anymore but...a boy who looked like the male version of him.

The whole room was silent upon seeing this as Harry dropped Ron.

"D-Daphne?" Evelyn asked not sure what to say.

"Yes? What is it?" Daphne asked.

Techno walked away and came back with a mirror.

"Uuuuuuh here." He said a bit surprised himself.

Daphne took the mirror and looked at it before he screamed.

"I'm a boy!" He screamed as he dropped the mirror.

"Y-Yes you are." Astoria said as she looked at her now older brother.

"Fred, George where is the antidote for this?" Arthur asked his sons.

"So far...there is none..." Fred said.

"That potion was never meant to be used." George finished.

Harry was silent for a long time before he walked over to Daphne.

Daphne was in shock as he quietly cried as Harry stood over him.

"I-I..." Daphne couldn't find the words as the tears ran down his face.

"This changes nothing." Harry said getting Daphne's attention.

"W-What?" He asked and Harry smiled softly as he sat next to Daphne.

"You were one of the first people to accept what I am, I don't care what you look like because all I see is the one I love." Harry said as he kissed Daphne's lips softly.

Daphne pulled away from the kiss and hugged him.

"Thank you...." Daphne said quietly as Harry nodded.

" this normally what a party is like?" Techno asked Sirius who shook his head in surprise.

" is not." Sirius said with just as much shock.


It was now August 31st and along the summer, the twins still hadn't been able to create a cure for their potion so Daphne was trapped as a boy.

Draco and Tracy gave some reactions about it.

Draco voiced his laughter about it as he replied on the letter which Harry silently promised his revenge for laughing but his anger soon was abated when Daphne said it was fine.

Daphne had come to terms with the fact that she was now a boy but the teasing of her parents did not help in the sense.

It was safe enough to say that the coming year would be the most interesting.


That's it for this chapter

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