Chapter 12

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No one's POV

Quirrel turned to the sound of the voice and saw the figure.

"W-Who are Y-You?" Quirrel said shaking.

"So your stutters are back were was that when you were talking about killing the Potter girl?" Harry asked him as he stepped forward with his Kagune swaying behind him.

Quirrel stood up and walked back," I-I-I'm sorry b-but y-your m-mistaken."

He tried backing up more but Harry grabbed him with his Kagune and glared at him with his Kakugan.

"You will listen to me well if you dare try to hurt her I will destroy you!" Harry said as he threw Quirrel into a wall and walked closer to him.

"And here's to make sure you get the message through your skull." Harry picked up Quirrel by the collar and threw him down and kicked him in the chest.

Quirrel was winded and before he let out a pained scream as Harry stomped on his arm a few times breaking it.

"W-Who are Y-You!?" Quirrel screamed in pain.

"I am Centipede." Harry said and gave him another kick before the teachers came rushing in seeing the figure as he walked to the window.

The teachers saw the injured Quirrel who could be seen coughing up some blood and drew there wands again the figure who deactivated his Kagune before they could see.

"Stop were you are!" McGonagall exclaimed pointing her wand at the figure.

"I can't I must leave." Harry said as he walked to the broken window and was about to jump.

"Who are you and why have you hurt the professor?" Dumbledore asked him and Harry turned to him.

"As I said to him I am Centipede." Harry said as he jumped out the window activating his Kagune and climbed away.

The teachers ran to the window and looked seeing he was gone.

"Centipede? Why would he attack you Quirrel?" McGonagall said as Snape had a suspicion of why.

"I-I d-don't k-know perhaps h-he i-is a d-dark wizard I-I saw h-his eye it w-was unnatural." Quirrel said as he was helped up and taken to the hospital wing.

Harry had just entered his room again and changed out of his outfit and into his uniform quickly as he hid the ghoul outfit and put the mask in his pocket.

He left the room to find Daphne and Tracy along with Blaise Zabini together as he went over.

"Harry what were you doing in your room we knocked but you never answered? Oh and this is Blaise by the way." Tracy said and Harry nodded to Blaise as he sat down in a armchair next to them.

"I was busy." Harry said as he took Daphne and Tracys hands and left the room and dragged them back to his.

Harry closed the door behind him and looked at the two of them.

"Quirrel is up to something." Harry said to them as they gave him a sceptical look.

"Again Harry we told you he might be odd but there is nothing wrong with him." Tracy said but Harry just looked at her.

"I know something is off about him and I confronted him about it I hid in his office and heard him talking and stutter somehow stopped and he talked about killing my sister and he was the one who hexed your broom because he missed mine." Harry said as there eyes widened.

"Why would he do all this?" Daphne asked while Tracy was still shocked.

"You'll find out tomorrow morning if I'm correct but now I must go tell my sister." Harry said as he ran out of his room and ran quickly towards Gryffindor house.

He stopped in front of the Gryffindor portrait and looked at the Fat lady in it looking down at him.

"I cannot let you enter Gryffindor only." The fat lady said.

"But I must see my sister it's important." Harry said but the Fat lady wouldn't move.

Harry glared at the portrait and looked around seeing no one close by as he smiled insanely and turned to the portrait who looked a bit uneasy at Harry.

Harry took off his eyepatch and let his Kagune free bursting from his back and his Kakugan activate as his Kagunes tentacles sharpened all four pointed at the portrait.

"Let me pass or I will rip you to shreds." Harry said as the scared portrait swung open and Harry ran in putting his eyepatch back on and letting his Kagune deactivate as well as he ran up the stairs.

He got to the common room and looked around he was getting many looks from the Gryffindors in the common room.

"Oi what are you doing here Snake!" Harry recognised Ron's voice and turned to him as he glared at Ron and walked to him.

"Where is my sister Ronald." Harry said as he glared at the two he was sitting with as they got up and left leaving Ron and Harry.

"Why should I tell you?" Ron sneered at Harry but Harry was in no mood and grabbed Ron by his neck and lifted him up

"Where is she tell me or I'll continue choking you!" Harry exclaimed in rage while Ron clawed at his hand trying to get free but couldn't.

"Harry what are you doing to Ron?!" Jessica exclaimed as Harry turned to her and dropped Ron who was gasping for air as he wasted no time and grabbed his sister and left the common room.

"Jessie listen this is very important Quirrel is evil and he's planning to kill you." Harry said to her as her eyes widened.

"No it's Snape Hermione, Ron and I heard him threaten Professor Quirrel in the halls." Jessica said and Harry shook his head.

"No it's Quirrel I hid in his office and heard him say everything he was talking about some master I don't know who though." Harry said and Jessica slowly nodded.

"Alright Harry I'll believe you but we should tell Ron and Hermione." Jessica said and Harry shook his head.

"We can't they wouldn't believe if you said I told you this has to be our secret but know that tomorrow Quirrel won't be teaching but you must tell me what is going on." Harry said as he cracked his finger.

Jessica stood in thought before she nodded.

"There's something hidden in the school and we looked into it and it's hidden in a room guarded by a giant three headed dog and it apparently has something to do with someone named Nicolas Flamel we still need to do research on him and when we had detention in the forest with Hagrid I saw someone drinking a unicorns blood." Jessica said in one breath.

Harry thought about the name he was sure he had heard it before it clicked.

"Nicolas Flamel is a famous Alchemist who was well known for creating the Philosopher's stone or Sorcerer's stone it could be used to make the elixir of life or turn any metal into gold that could be what's hidden in the school the stone." Harry said.

"How do you know who he is?" She asked him as she stood in awe of her brother.

"I have a book on wizard history through time he was in there but promise me you will keep what we spoke about a secret." Harry said and Jessica nodded and Harry turned and was about to walk away.

"And tomorrow I'm going to visit our parents if you would like to join me?" Harry offered her and she smiled but shook her head no.

"I actually already went there last week but thank you for offering and next time we can go together I'm sure mum and Dad would be happy to have us both there together." Jessica said as Harry cracked his finger and had a small smile as he nodded.

"I'd like that and tomorrow meet me in the library you can bring your friends if you like I'll bring mine and maybe we can hang out and get to know each other better." Harry said and Jessica nodded and watched Harry leave.


That's it for this chapter

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