Chapter Twenty-Nine

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It was quiet among the three of us at the table, forks clinking and scraping against ceramic as we ate our food. But across the table, Emerson sat with a smug grin on her face as she shoved pieces of steak into her mouth.

"So," she began to break the silence. I also knew what she was planning on talking about.

I peeked over to see Louis looking at me.

"How was the both of y'all's day?" She sent me a wink.

I looked back at Louis again but he was still looking at me with this intimidating look on his face. I knew what I had to do and he was going to force me to do whether I wanted to or not. I know it needs to be addressed.

"It was good," I said and sent her a small smile before lifting a forkful of vegetables into my mouth.

"You know, you can put a little aloe on your wrists. It'll help with the rope burn."

I stiffened and was quick to yank my sleeves down to cover my red, chafed wrists.

"And a hot cup of tea with a bit of honey will help a scratchy throat."

"How was your day, Emerson?" Louis was quick to ask to change the subject.

"Not as good as yours I bet," she said.

"Alright." Louis dropped his fork down on his plate. "Madison." He narrowed his eyes at me.

I gulped and quickly averted my eyes away from his.

"Is there something you want to say, Madison?" Emerson asked.

"Um..." I was beginning to perspire from how nervous I was feeling. Good god, they give me anxiety!

They're staring at me.

"Stop staring at me! You both are giving me anxiety!" I snapped.

"Just tell her, Madison!" Louis nearly yelled.

"Hey, don't yell at her!" Emerson barked at him.

Louis rolled his eyes out of annoyance before looking back at me again.

"Why don't you tell her since it bothers you?" I said.

He was now glowering. "Seriously?"

I covered my face with my hands and groaned dramatically into them. "Okay!" I threw my hands up in the air. "Fine!"

"Don't let him pressure you, Madison. If it's something that's bothering him then he can be a man about it and confront me," Emerson said before she was turning her body towards Louis. "Well?"

Louis blinked, clearly taken back. He then laughed, shaking his head. "You know what, you're right. How about this? My sex life is none of your business, so it would be fantastic if Madison stopped discussing it with you."

"Well, your girlfriend willingly shares it with me," she said and smirked.

"And that is clearly the problem, Emerson," Louis said with a 'duh' kind of tone in his voice.

"Louis doesn't want me discussing our sex life. It makes him uncomfortable. So he wants it to stay between him and I from now on, which I respect," I finally said.

Emerson hummed and leaned back in her chair. "I respect that, but—"

Louis sent her a sharp glare.

"But as long as he does the same."

His jaw clenched tight as he was basically shooting daggers into her head with his eyes. "Are you insinuating that I discuss my sex life with my allies? Because if so, I can definitely tell you that you're wrong. I'm a private man—or at least I try to be." He then cut his eyes at me.

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