Chapter Eleven

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Wednesday, July 20th

I cracked my eyes open to the jingle of my alarm going off on the nightstand, so I peeked over at Louis and he didn't seem bothered by the alarm. Reaching my hand over, I grabbed my phone and turned the alarm off before sitting up. It was still dark out, so the room was pitch black.

I eventually forced myself out of the bed and padded out to the kitchen, releasing a yawn as I approached the coffee maker. I grabbed the pot and placed it on the coffee maker, put it in a new filter and filled it with coffee grounds, and then pressed start. After that, I walked right back to the room to get a shower.

Louis was still fast asleep. His lashes lied softly against his cheeks and his hair look a bed-head mess, but it was adorable, despite the heated argument we had the night before. I was then standing at the edge of the bed, looking down at him. I gently caressed his cheek before leaning down and pressing a kiss against his forehead. He didn't react but just lied there still. I smiled at his peacefulness.

Once I was in the bathroom, I started up the shower and had the clothes I was going to wear ready for me to put on. I stepped into the shower, the warm spray hitting my skin. A soft moan escaped my lips because of the warmth. It's slightly chilly in the house, so a warm shower feels really good right now.

I finished up my shower as fast as possible since Louis needs to get in and hopped out to dry off. The clothes I was going to wear looked professional, almost like I was about to go work for him. I slipped on my white blouse and black pants, and I tucked the blouse into the pants. I stared into the mirror at myself and saw the business lady in me. I looked kind of cute, and I think I'd look cuter next to Louis.

As I was trying to do my hair, Louis walked in. "Oh, I'm sorry! I'll go ahead and leave so you can—"

"No, continue what you're doing," he said, starting up the shower. I continued with my hair, but I couldn't help but keep looking at him through the mirror as he pulled his shirt up and off his body. He reached out to feel the water before turning the faucet to a warmer setting. The way his muscles moved in his back was very appealing. He may not be the most built man on this earth, but he's definitely toned. The man's body is practically shaped like an hour glass, kind of. I'm watching this man strip. Is this what he wants? To tease me?

Louis finally took his sweatpants off, along with his boxers, and got into the shower, his back still facing me. I quickly looked away by the time he turned around. I finished my hair and left the bathroom immediately after.

The coffee was done brewing by the time I made it to the kitchen, so I poured Louis and I a cup of coffee each to take with us. I took a small sip of mine, the hot liquid scorching my mouth. I think they need time to cool a little bit.

I went off back to Louis' room and grabbed my small makeup bag. I need a little color on my face. I sat on the bed and unzipped the bag, pulling out a tube of mascara, a nude eyeshadow, and a pink lip gloss. I quickly applied the makeup to my face so I still had time to take Clifford out before we go. I shoved all of my makeup back into the bag and tossed it into my drawer of clothes.

Clifford was already sat waiting at the elevator. I grabbed his leash and clipped it onto his collar before calling for the elevator with the button.

By the time I made it back from Clifford's mini walk, I noticed that Louis still wasn't ready yet. I hung Clifford's leash up and took a seat on the couch where I patiently waited for Louis. But after a few minutes, I heard him enter the room.

I looked back to see Louis wearing a black button-up, black slacks, a black freckled gray blazer, and black shoes. His hair was styled back oh-so-perfectly, and I could tell he didn't shave as he had some stubble covering his jawline, chin, and upper lip. It was very attractive though.

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