Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Sunday, September 23rd

Emerson groaned obnoxiously and rolled her eyes. "Come on, Madison! Please? We haven't left the house in days."

"Well, I'm staying home. They'll go open season on me if I step outside of this house," I said before shoving a spoonful of cereal into my mouth.

She sighed and plopped down on the stool beside me. "Girl, you're doing exactly what they want you to do: hide. If you're hiding, they're winning. Don't let them bitches ruin you. Let me tell you, if I catch either of them on the street, let's just say they'll need their scalps to continue their lousy modeling careers. I will not be afraid to scalp a bitch on the street."

I couldn't help but laugh. She treats me like a little sister, and sometimes she can go a bit overboard. "Emerson, I can't. Louis wants me to have security outside of the house."

"Okay," she shrugged, "we'll go with security. No biggie."

"But that's going to attract so much attention," I whined.

She sighed and rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed. "Fine...I'll go by myself."

"I'm sorry, Em." And I really was sorry. She looked totally bummed out and I feel like a shit friend. We're supposed to be living it up, but as always, I've got to ruin everything with my whining and bitching. I hate myself for it a lot of the times. I don't mean to be that person, but I just—I worry. I'm a scaredy cat.

"It's fine. You're just scared. I can't be mad at you for that," she said with a smile. "But then you and Louis can have some-" and then she started to poke my arm, "alone time." She wiggled her brows. "Don't think I didn't hear you two sex bunnies last night."

"Ew, don't call us sex bunnies," I said. "But I'm also sorry if we were disturbing you..."

"Oh, don't be sorry! I should be the one apologizing since you couldn't just scream his name to the Heaven's."

"Oh my god—Emerson!" I barked.

She started to laugh. "Was he good?"

"I mean, he was good until I ruined it with my never ending problems..."

Emerson frowned. "Oh no, what happened?"

My cheeks turned red before I could even say anything. "I started crying during sex..."

"Oh, Madison—"

"While he was inside me..."

"Madison!" Emerson whined. "Come on, girl."

"I kept thinking about the other night. Then we kind of had an argument, but we resolved it. Then we almost went for round two but we're not going to talk about that," I said.

"Tell me! Now!" She insisted.

I beckoned her closer and she moved in. "He threatened to tie me up and tease me, and the challenge was going to be not to wake you," I whispered.

Emerson stood back with a surprised look on her face. "Nuh-uh! Oh my god!" She stared at me in silence, trying to process it. "Oh, girl!"

And of course, speaking of the devil...

Louis entered the kitchen looking bright and chirpy. I couldn't help but notice how cuddly he looked wearing just a plain black sweatshirt, blue jeans, and a pair of sneakers. He had a coffee mug in hand too, so I only assumed he came in here for more coffee. "Good morning, ladies," he greeted us as he made his way around to the coffee maker.

"Good morning, Mr. Tomlinson," Emerson innocently flirted.

Louis looked up at Emerson to see her smiling and to me blushing. His eyes looked between us. "What's going on?" He asked before grabbing the coffee pot and pouring himself more coffee.

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