Chapter Two

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Wednesday, July 16th

I sighed when I finished pulling my hair up into a bun all while looking at the uniform that I was told to where for the job. It fit my figure well and made me look curvy. The uniform reached just above the knee, so it shows off a bit more leg than it probably should. If I could role-play as a naughty maid, this would be it.

Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating. It's not that bad, I dont think.

I shrugged, grabbing my makeup bag from off my bed, picking out a tube of mascara and a small eyeshadow palette that contained nude shades. I applied a shade that was a sepia brown, a redish-brown color, and then added my mascara after.

Checking the time on my phone, I noticed that I only had twenty minutes before I had to be outside for my Lyft, so I grabbed my box of cleaning supplies and made sure I had everything that I needed in order to clean Louis' penthouse properly. I want him to come home to a clean and smelling good house tonight. He seems to have his hands full today with meetings, so I want him to be able to relax as soon as he walks through the front door.

I waited around until it was time for me to leave in order to get to my job on time. I can't waste time when I only have six hours to get that penthouse deep cleaned. I need to impress him.

I rushed out of my apartment with my box of cleaning supplies and ran out the front to find my Lyft already waiting for me. It was an older man this time.

I opened the car door before shoving my box of supplies inside and then getting in, shutting the door and buckling up.

"A maid?" The man asked in a gruff voice. He didn't say it in a way to purposely offend me.

"Yes, sir," I answered.

He made a small laugh. "Bet you're getting paid well to clean a condo on Leonard Street, aren't you?"

"Yeah. It's my first day, actually," I said, smiling and sitting up proudly in my seat.

"Well," he started, looking at me through the rearview mirror with a friendly smile, "I hope your first day goes well."

I was amazed at how friendly the older man was. A lot of the people walk around here with grimaces and glares. It's honestly unsettling.

"Thank you!" I thanked him.

The man then continued to drive in silence while I watched out the window, the car rushing past tall buildings and people. The older man even had to slam up on his brakes because some man on a bike ran out in front of him. Normal New York behavior. Typical.

After arriving to the building, I got out and gave the man a wave before he was speeding off to blend in with the afternoon traffic and I entered the building. The same receptionist from yesterday was still there, and she gave me a smile when she noticed me.

Just as I was walking towards the elevator, it opened up to an older woman who wore a white cardigan over a white blouse with blue jeans and crème colored flats. Her hair was short and gray with two sets of pearly necklaces hanging from her neck while a huge broach was clipped to her cardigan. The broach seemed to be real diamonds.

"Excuse me," she mumbled, walking off the elevator with her white Maltese on a leash.

I stepped out of her way and let her go by. She gave me a smile as she did and went for the door.

"She owns PH53, the floor underneath the penthouse that you clean," the receptionist said. "Her name is Ida Winchester. She's an English woman, which you probably figured out already."

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