Chapter Twenty-Two

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Sunday, September 9th

Louis had come home tipsy last night. I wonder if he's always horny when he gets a couple drinks in? He is extremely touchy and absolutely no filter on that mouth of his. But not only that, he was extremely loud to the point where it was kind of agitating. The last time he was drunk he wasn't like this. But I mean, I guess because it was different circumstances.

I ended up going to bed at three in the morning. He came home around midnight and I struggled to get him to finally go bed after two hours. He wanted food, a drink, and then wanted to talk while my eyes were practically being forced to stay open. But he finally went to bed at three, but of course trying to seduce me beforehand. He was so full of energy.

But of course he was still on a sleep schedule and woke me up at eight.

"No! Leave me alone!" I whined, rolling over onto my front and stuffing my face into the pillow.

"It's time to get up, Madison. We need to put a sleep schedule in place for you," he said but I just said a muffled 'no' in response. "Madison, get up."

I lifted my head to clearly say 'screw off' and dropped my head back down into the pillow. "This is all your fault anyway," I grumbled but once again, it was muffled.

Suddenly he was ripping the sheets off my body and trying to pick me up. I wriggled around so he would struggle to get a decent grip on me.

"No! Get your hands off of me!" I demanded.

He was able to get his arms underneath me and pulled me up before maneuvering me around so he could sling me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" My fists beat on his bare back as he proceeded to carry me out of the room. "Louis! Stop!" My demands didn't faze him as he traveled down the steps. "Put me down right now, Mr. Tomlinson! Right this instant!"

"Good morning!" Louis said to someone and I quickly looked over to see that we were passing the kitchen, and oh god, all of the chefs were staring at me! They're still here!?

"Oh my god, put me down now!" I can't let everyone see me like this! I'm slung over this man's shoulder only wearing a tank-top without a bra and pajama shorts that showed off a lot of my thighs. "Louis!"

Louis walked outside, which left me a little confused. "Louis, why are we outside?" He turned just a little to show off the pool. My eyes went wide when it finally clicked. "No! Don't you fucking dare!" He stepped closer to the pool. "Louis, don't!"

He pulled me off of his shoulder and I was trying everything I could to escape his grip but he was a whole lot stronger than I was. He had me in his arms, standing close to the edge of the pool.

"No, Louis! Don't! Please!" I screamed, but then I was tossed into the pool without a second thought. My body plunged into the cold water as I released a scream. I immediately bobbed back up to the surface to find Louis standing over me laughing his ass off.

"You're awake now, aren't you?" He asked.

"You're an asshole!" I said back in return.

"Is it cold?" He questioned this time.

"Yes, it's cold! Now help me out!" I said, reaching a hand up to him.

"I can tell," his said with a smirk and his eyes fell down to my chest. "I have the heaters turned off when the pool isn't in use."

I gasped when I realized what he was looking at. I'm not wearing a bra! I need to get out of here! I scrambled to try and get out of the pool as I tried pulling myself up and out. Louis knelt down in front of me to help but I smacked his hand away. "No, I don't need your help."

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