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"You look like an ice prince."

I kept my head down when I heard Ezra's comment. At the moment I didn't want to talk because I had to just drop Remi off at my mothers house. It pained me to say goodbye...even though it's just for a few days.

Also a friend of mine wanted to practice a dye job on me and I didn't decline yesterday. Except I wasn't informed that it would be bleached so greatly. Bleached so much that it is practically the color of my skin.

Ever since Remi called me an 'ice prince' with my new does Ezra.


"So you found a job that can easily get rid of your debt in two or even a year's time?" I look at the hairstylist, Andrew, as he looked baffled by such a thing.

I nod, grinning at him because I considered him a friend. I barely have friends though he became mine by coincidence since he does my hair on occasion.

"You should let me in on the secret. I would love to make that kind of money!" Andrew exclaims, sighing peacefully then smirks at me. "Did you meet someone new after that whole Trenton mess?"

"No. I don't desire to date anyone at the moment. It was hard enough when I was younger to date someone until I met Trenton. That wasn't wise of me...settling." I sigh sadly despite the fact that Andrew shook his head.

"You weren't settling, you were in love. He's very handsome." Andrew hums, making me look at him in disappointment. "I-I mean, he was until he did what he did. Now he's so ugly."

I chuckle, nodding when Andrew steps back and looks at me.

"I did something said I could practice my hair dying skills on you right?" He asks me just to make sure.

"Yes. I haven't dyed my hair ever since I was in high school! I just haven't really had the time...I'm ready to see it." I smile, turning in the chair as I see the mirror.

My eyes widen at the bright...bright platinum blonde. Almost blended with my skin because it was just that pale and bright.

I would have told Ezra I was doing this, but I am allowed to do what I want. This is a very great change though - immense change to be exact. I already took Remi to my parents even though I was heartbroken to do so.

Now I should be leaving with Ezra soon. Except I don't think he was would expect this big of a change.

"This is very...bright." I smile softly, standing up from the chair. I face Andrew and he was waiting for me to tell him how he did with excitement. That's when I give him a nod, ruffling my hair a bit. "I love it."

"Yes! I have never bleached hair so I wanted to try it out first on someone who could look good bald if I messed up." Andrew confesses, and I just look away as if I didn't hear him.

I could see outside the window and saw a not so cleverly hidden silver SUV. It stood out way too much and I knew I needed to leave here now.

"Andrew, thank you for this. I actually like it - if you ever need anymore dye practices, let me know." I say to him as I start to go towards the door.

"Will do. Also, remember. There's nothing wrong with starting a relationship with anyone. Not everyone - barely anyone is like Trenton." Andrew informs me before I leave and I just nod.

I knew's just the person I happen to be around right now doesn't make that easy.

Once I leave, I close the door behind me. When I face the car again I saw the window rolled down and Ezra staring up at me in awe. I began to walk towards the car and try to ignore how enthralled he looked by my hair.

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