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"What would you do if I was to ever have another baby in the future?"

Remi looks at me funny, his eyes moving off of Lime slowly. He smiles at me and looks away now.

"That's a little weird. Like, it would be super weird! I would be bothered I think." He confesses to me, causing me to frown sadly.

"Why is that?" I ask him, starting the bath water for myself since he already took one. He was about to go to bed and with the books I have...I'm going to read them in peace.

"I have friends who have baby siblings. I heard they are gross and loud and messy and wet and not nice." He exclaims in a very headstrong manner. "Also...they can take you from me. You're my mommy."

I smile happily, going towards him. I hug him, sighing happily at his sweetness.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He squeals, making me hum in agreement.

"It's share. Babies can't help but be all of those things. You were once like that once-."

"No! I was not gross and loud and messy and wet!"

I don't disagree with him because I know he'll try to go against my words. So cute of him...

"Either way, I won't abandon you. You don't need to worry about me not being there. I'm still your mommy first, but I was just asking because you never know." I just say nonchalantly.

Remi raises his eyebrow, not looking like he believed me. Though he did nod and I only think he did for me. He didn't do it because he was content - only to appease me.

"Do you want me to put you to sleep in your room, or do you want to be a big boy and try yourself?" I question curiously.

He's been sleeping in my room ever since we've come here. Now I wanted him to try and sleep in his room just for today.

"I'm a big boy! I can do it!" He exclaims loudly, placing Lime back into their container. "I will go now. Goodnight and I love you mommy."

"Goodnight Remi. I especially love you too." I murmur, hugging him before he goes to the room. Once we pull away I watch him go to his room.

He hesitated for sure, only to walk inside. When he did I was...sad at first, but now I have books to read.

That all only happened twenty minutes ago.

I currently sat in the bathtub, late at night reading these books. I wanted to be enlightened and learn if these things...these things that Ezra is insisting on are true.

The rules of the pack are not as demanding as I assumed. They aren't really implemented now that I'm reading some of these.

As I read some of these I went to the table of contents, examining the ones that revolve around the Head Alpha himself. When I come upon that I go to that page. Once I get there I start reading the very word heavy rules.

Any child, of any age, is allowed to become Alpha if chosen.

I stare at that awkwardly. If that was the case then Ezra could have been Head Alpha. Except their parents are not alive Xavion took control for some odd reason.

His Beta of Submission Where stories live. Discover now