thirty seven

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Xavion Volek x Tyler Vereille

"You two, mating?"

I look at Theo as he sat beside Ezra who's eyes were set on Tyler. There was a look of annoyance present and I don't know why it was there.

"Ezra, do you have an objection?" I question him curiously, and he nods. "Why?"

"Doesn't Tyler...I don't know, not want his Alpha status to be undermined by mating with an Alpha? Especially someone like you? He's so weird about it-."

"Actually, I still feel that way; but with time that feeling will cease."

"It shouldn't be present at all, that feeling." Ezra growls, and he leans back in his seat while holding Esme in his arms. Remi on the other side of his lap while holding Elliot, and Theo held Finny.

He shouldn't be...bugging me about this. He got his happily ever after. Why can't I have that now?

I protected him from all the monsters and bad guys, making myself one to really keep him safe. Now that I don't have to do that I have completed my mission.

My role is done, there's no point of it. Why am I over here still struggling to find the one and he found his so easily? I think it's my turn. I want kids, I want a Mate, I want to be content with that thought that I have a family.

I'm honestly...alone.

"Don't interfere." I snap at him, and he raises an eyebrow. "I need this...I want this. Stop trying to get some kind of...weird revenge-."

"Revenge never crossed my mind, I'm just trying to help my older brother." Ezra interrupts me sadly, soon glancing at Tyler. "Your intentions don't seem pure. My brother loves you, and you seem to be taking advantage of that by settling because you know you'll always be protected. You seem like the kind of Alpha who'd love the status rise..."

I see Theo look disappointed with Tyler and I wondered

"You don't know me at all, so how can you assume that?" Tyler raises his eyebrow, only for Theo to clear his throat.

"I know you though. Xavion is a nice person, don't do this if you have pure intentions. I'm the one that said something on it." Theo just confesses outright.

Tyler sighed in irritation only to nod over at Remi.

"Are these matters to discuss with children present?" He questions Theo with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Theo looked at Remi, and he sighed. That's when he stands and nods for Remi to follow him. Remi ends up following while holding Elliot, Ezra still holding Esme. He looks at us and then just sets his eyes on me.

"You've always been...interesting to me." Ezra says, and Tyler scoffs. "I don't find anything funny. And when I say interesting, it's not that good type either. You are using my brother...and I-."

"You know that because of what? I'm too old to be wanting to 'use' somebody. Are you just...jealous?"

"Me? Jealous?" Ezra scoffs, soon bursting into laughter as he had Esme look up at him in confusion. I didn't know why Tyler would say that either.

He has three kids, a Mate, is Head Alpha now... What's to be jealous of when compared to me?

"Tyler there's no point-."

"There is a point! How dare he question my intentions as if I went into this with an objection! That's a waste of my time, your time, and honestly something he'd do! Don't place your past actions onto me!" Tyler snapped at Ezra who didn't look like he was taking anything he said seriously.

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