thirty eight

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Xavion Volek x Tyler Vereille

"I didn't think you'd be okay with coming with me." Brian murmurs to me as I rode in the car with him.

"I wasn't...planning on it, but I need an escape from the place I call home." I state calmly, laying my head against the window. I glance at Brian as he kept glancing at me shyly. "You like what you see?"

"Yeah..." He murmurs, grinning shyly as he faces back forward fast. "It's so weird. I don't really like new relationships...but it's easy to want to start one with you. You being my Mate...and I understand your worry considering your families history. I've heard all about it - I think everyone has!"

I chuckle, not surprised by that.

"What is going on...with you and that guy?" He asks me awkwardly, and I look at him. "It isn't really my business, so I understand if you don't want to tell me-."

"He disappointed me and took advantage of my love for him. Because it's comfortable...but I don't want him to settle, I want him to love me as much as I loved him. It feels like my love is being used, and I don't want that." I explain to him, and Brian's lips purse to the side.

I could see him thinking about it and I wondered what he'd possibly say to that. I hope he's on my side when it comes to something like this.

"I disagree with his's wrong. Maybe he's just desperate, or he can't convey his feelings properly. Your love for each other is much different. Yours is more raw...his seems to be more of what he feels in his mind. His love isn't enveloping, yours is...that's probably a protection mechanism on his end." Brian shrugs, and I grip my chin.

I rest my elbow on the middle armrest, grinning at him. He looks at me shyly once over and I could tell he wanted to look at me.

" seem to know a lot about love. Did you fall in love once?"

"Um...not really. I don't think I've ever been in love. It's more of what I feel for the person, but now that I know you're my Mate...I think I'm in love now." He breathes shyly, biting his lip. "It's so weird. I feel bad, I'm getting in the way of you and your other partner."

"Don't worry about that." I shake my head, looking forward plainly. "Tyler is ignoring me."

Brian pouts for me, and I just chuckle again. I didn't know why I was being so open about this, but it's probably because he's my Mate. I naturally feel close to him.

"He'll come through eventually, and once he does he'll realize his mistake and give you a big hug." Brian smiles at me, and I frown as he parks in a parking spot. I didn't understand this...

"You're encouraging us..." I start, seeing him look at me. "Instead of shooting us down or insisting for me to be with you since we're Mates, you're encouraging us. Why?"

I see his face turn red, and he looks away.

"Because...yeah, you're my Mate; but you still had a life before you met me. I can't just expect you to drop those you love and come running to me. I'd be...stupid to think that was the case; so all I can really do right now is cheer you two on." He states, nodding firmly on his words. Before I can ask him another question he was already rushing out of the car.

I get out now and begin to realize we're in front of a...tall building. That's all I could really say about that one.

"This is my agency." He tells me as if he read my mind, and I look down at him. He held a duffel bag and I can only imagine what's inside. "There's clothes in here. I came because I have my own routine, and once I'm done I'm kinda gross and sticky, so I like to change."

"Ah, okay. Just reading my mind every time now I guess." I tease, seeing him snicker as I follow behind him. As we begin to go forward I could see some people beginning to already recognize me.

It's a little awkward considering my used-to-be status. It's like what Brian said though, everyone now knows what my true intentions were. Now I'm no longer seen as that evil older brother who did things without an agenda.

I, one-hundred percent, did things with an agenda. It all had a purpose and my purpose has been fulfilled. Now the one thing I really want...I can't seem to get.

As we went inside I saw faces that I'd usually see on TV. It was unusual to them in person considering I was once the one always on the TVs.

"You know how obsessed they all are over you?" I hear Brian ask me, and I look at me. "I think anyone who knows Xavion Volek will fall for you. It's so sweet what you did."

I don't say anything, going into the elevator with him. As it closed I look over at him. His eyes were set on the ground, his lips right together as if he was thinking of something. I go towards him and he looks at me, seeing his face immediately turn pink.

I look into his eyes and began to feel a sense of...desire. I have a feeling it's all because of what we are to one another, pulling back some. Not wanting to push on my sexual frustrations and wants onto someone I just met.

"My actions...I didn't do what I did to one day be praised." I confess to him softly, and he grins. I rest my hand on the wall behind him as I lean forward just a little bit. "It just...turned out that way. You think I asked for this? To be loved and also hated? No, I liked my position before..."

"There's nothing wrong with the position you have now. I think the way you are now...makes you more relatable." He murmurs, and I smile shyly.

Only for us to hear the elevator doors open. We both pull back some as there were some people coming through. That's when we exit and I see him almost trying to catch his breath.

I just look at him, finding his actions quite cute. Tyler was much more commanding and he was harsh at times. He wanted you to know how he was feeling and he wasn't shy to say anything.

Except for Brian he was much, it was much more obvious what he was thinking. For Tyler I had to assume a lot more than anything. Sometimes I'd be wrong and what would come of me would be some type of punishment.

Not an actual punishment, but more of a reprimand on my end.

"Relatable...huh?" I murmur, looking off. "How was I not relatable?"

"Maybe because you were Head Alpha, who can relate to that? You were on a much more higher pedestal, and you still are. You're quite amazing." He shrugs, and I appreciated his words.

"And how are you relatable? You're a popular singer, and you're relatable to your fans how?" I question him, raising my eyebrow upon him.

That seemed to stump him because then he realized who he was.

"I'm just...a singer, what you were and are is way more important. I think I'm more relatable because anyone can sing, not many...barely anyone can be a Head Alpha." He looked away, shaking his head fast as he nodded forward. "L-Let's go!"

I see him rush around me, and I found myself amused.

Made me want to know him more.


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