forty one

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Elliott : CLASS • ; BETA

"Stop, stop, stop..." I rest my finger upon Esme's lips, causing her to raise her eyebrow. "You will give yourself worry warts with all that nagging. You will never be beautiful, like me."

Esme rolled her eyes, slapping my finger away as she walks away from me. I smile as I look in the mirror.

My name is Finnegan Volek, but I prefer people to call me Finn. Those close to me call me Finny, but quite rarely.

Not to toot my horn, but I am amazingly attractive.

All my other siblings are, sure, but I'm on a whole other level. It's kind of embarrassing how much better looking I am than them, I think so at least.

"Your cockiness is fucking nauseating." I hear Remi, and I look over at him. He was glaring down at me and I roll my eyes at him.

"You're just jealous that you don't have my dad's genes combined with our mom's. You may have looked beautiful too." I say innocently. Only for his lips to twist up in disdain and walk off.

I don't try to be rude to him, none of us do. Not to mention his attitude is completely atrocious.

He hates not only us, his own siblings; but my dad too. My dad is Ezra Volek for crying out loud! What's not to love?

Absolutely ridiculous how he acts. He's too old for that.

"You already know how Remi is and yet you still antagonize him with how our dad isn't his actual dad." I heard Elliot say, and I sigh. "We get it, you have a nice face, but who cares? Remi is attractive, I bet our mom plays a big part too-."

"Yeah, but he doesn't amount to this face." I smile, running my hand over his own face. Elliot shooed it away and ended up walking off.

Looking over at the only person still here, Esme had her lips pursed on me in evident condemnation.

"It's a shame really Esme," I go to her again, and she rolls her eyes, "Have you spoken to Micah recently?"

"Nope, daddy told us not to waste our time with him." Esme recites and I blow raspberries with my tongue as she looks at me in shock.

"Well, I continue to mess with him. He's so cute, how can I resist him? Even if it's not anything serious, I can't not tease him, you know?" I ask her.

"No," Esme stands up, walking to the door now, "No I don't know."

Once she was gone I scoff because her and Elliot always just walk off randomly in the middle of our conversations. It's quite rude really.

I leave the room now, going down to the main hall. I already knew I'd find Micah there since he happened to be a part of the inner workings of this castle. He was an Omega, but looked like an Alpha though.

He didn't act like how people would perceive or see to how an Omega should act. He's stronger and not to mention he's my type.

I don't really dare people, but it's more like just messing around. I scratch your back, you scratch mine. He, the only one who doesn't fall for any of my tricks. He doesn't even seem to like my scent, I think.

I haven't let it out that much because it seems to make him...disgusted. That was one time though, and it was at a glance. I'm pretty sure I just imagined things.

Going towards Micah, I start to grin at him and his head whipped onto me fast. I frowned as he looked down at me with contempt almost and his hand covered his nose.

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