twenty one

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I am pulled upon Ezra's lap, his arm hooking under my knees. My head leans away from him quickly to the feeling of his tongue starting to tease my ear.

My eyes avoided his as much as I could, trying to keep face. I ignored his teasing and my hand was quick to stop his when I felt it go under my shirt.

I could see we were on a balcony onlooking his illegal businesses. Could see others working and going about their business. Then there was us watching them, but he was even making sexual advances towards me here.

"Stop...I don't want to do it now - we are in a public setting. If you want to do this let's go inside." I tell him, and I see his eyes harden on mine.

"At all times I need you submissive to me. No asking questions or trying to hide your chastity - everyone knows you have had sex with me Theo." Ezra growls in my ear, smacking his hand back from mine.

I bit my lip when I felt his fingers pinch my nipple. No consideration in mind in doing so. He continued to try and tease me even though I tried my darnedest to not react.

My skin began to heat up quickly in reaction to his teasing, the complete opposite of what my face was showing. I tried to keep my composure even if he made it very hard. It would be different if we were in private, but it became clear to me that maybe he likes seeing me look shameful.

"I don't know why you bother trying to hide what you are feeling. Everyone knows who you belong to - me. You're mine and I should be able to show that off. There is word...that you seem to becoming a sex symbol around here. Whenever an Alpha sees you - they want you, but when an Omega sees you - they envy you. Isn't that what you wanted? You are getting what Betas always ever wanted - doesn't that excite you?" Ezra questions me softly, and I flinch when his finger tightens on my nipple.

I feel the excitement building when he says such a thing to me. The thought of me even being enticing to others or wanted was everything. Even when I was trying to be a part of the sex work business, I could never get anybody.

Now that Ezra has chosen me to be his personal surrogate basically - despite me being a Beta - I knew why. It was too hard for Betas to have kids - especially males. That meant even more time to have sex with me and do these deeds so lewdly.

"No one used to like me..." I whimper when he pulls my shirt fully over my chest. I watch his tongue lick across my other nipple whilst his hand teased the other.

That quickly had me having to bite my lip to surprise any sound. It was even more obvious that he was emitting pheromones just based on how everyone was acting.

Their movements were more loose and some even had to stop to catch their breath. I couldn't smell anything and thank goodness I couldn't. I already knew I'd made a fool of myself.

When I feel Ezra bite my nipple I knew he tantalizing me now. My nipples were very sensitive and him doing such a thing caused me to whimper.

I saw his eyes settle on me - a smirk on his lips when he kisses the swole reaction. I began to feel his cock rise under my bottom and it made me almost moan. Always found it amazing how I was able to excite

"Ezra...I want to kiss..." I found myself begging him, and he looks up at me. He lifts his head up towards me as his lips were near to mine.

His hand stopped teasing my nipple as it grips the back of my neck. He turns his body towards me as my hands go over his shoulders, arms going loosely around his neck.

I felt his tongue enter my mouth first, practically clashing with mine. I let my tongue relax so that he could kiss me more deeply. Could obtain such a desire as he stands up. That immediately had me thankful when he took us inside, closing the doors behind him.

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