"I'm very proud." Noah responded and Riley knew he was smiling. She was smiling herself. Derek rolled his eyes wishing the sheriff would leave already so he could get to what he came here for in the first place.

"Oh me me too." Stiles nodded. "Again im oh.."

The door closed behind him, as his dad wrapped him into a tight hug, giving his back a few pats.

"Huggie. Huggie, huggie." Stiles muttered awkwardly, and Riley couldn't help but snort. She quickly shot a hand over her mouth as Derek glared at her.

"See you there." Was about the last thing Riley heard from Noah as she heard footsteps retreating.

Moments later, Stiles re-entered his bedroom, shutting the door behind him. Riley sat up, Just as Derek grabbed stiles by the jacket, slamming him against the door.

Riley jumped off the bed, extremely annoyed. The male testosterone was through the roof as Derek pointed his finger in Stiles' face roughly.

"If you say one word..." He threatened, only to be cut off by the sarcastic teen.

"What, you mean like, 'Hey dad, Derek Hale's in my room. Bring your gun'?" Stiles retorted. "Yeah that's right. If I'm harboring your fugitive ass, It's my house, My rules."

Derek nodded as the teen patted him on the shoulder. He started to let go, knowing better than to argue with the sassy teenage boy.

Riley sat back down on Stiles bed, as Derek spoke up. "Scott didn't get the necklace?"

Stiles nodded as he replied. "No. But there's something else we can try. The night we were trapped in the school, Scott sent a text to Allison and Riley, asking them to meet us there."

"Yeah, so?" Derek questioned, not caring.

"So it wasn't Scott." Stiles explained.

Derek frowned at the revelation as he spoke. "Well can you find out who sent it?"

The hazel eyed boy looked to his knowing girlfriend as he spoke. "No, not me. But I think I know someone who can."

He walked over to his laptop as he started to type in a name.



"You want me to do what?" Danny asked in disbelief as he stared at Stiles and Riley with his bag slung over his shoulder.

"Trace a text." Stiles replied, as if the answer was simple.

"I came here to do lab work, that's what lab partners do." Danny spoke awkwardly. "And we will. Once you trace the text." Stiles smiled.

"Is this some kind of weird role-play you guys are into?" Danny asked as he looked between Riley and Stiles.

Stiles looked flustered, while Riley snorted.

"Oh come on. It was a joke. It was funny." The blonde defended, as she noticed her boyfriend glaring.

"Ok saying I trace this text..." Danny started. "What makes you think I even know how?"

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