"Potter!" Draco runs across the courtyard, throwing his wand to Harry. He catches it, zapping Nagini with a spell before running back into the halls for protection. The students surrounding you start to scatter, as you see hundreds of death eaters disapparating and leaving a cloud of black smoke in their absence. Your eyes desperately search the crowd for that pretty head of white hair.

"Draco!" You try to push your way through the crowd, shoving people out of the way.

"Bec! Bec, wait!" Lux was following after you, you stop and reach out your hand for her to grab onto, pulling her through the sea of people.

"Come on, Lux! I've got to find him!"

"Wait, have you seen Blaise or Theo?"

"What? Lux I'm already busy trying to find Draco." You shake your head at her. "Draco!"

"Bec! I said have you seen either of them? I haven't been able to find them."

"Lux, I saw Blaise right before Potter was brought back. I'm sure they're fine. But right now, I need to find Draco."

"Okay, but, I need to find Blaise. I'm sorry, Bec."

You stop and turn to face her, throwing your arms around her neck. "Don't be sorry, you daft cow. Go! But, be careful!" She turns and disappears into the crowd of students.

"Draco!" You continue on your search for him, pushing past a group of Gryffindor's, almost getting hit by a pile of falling rubble.

"Havelock!" You turn, seeing Theo not far from you. He beckons you to follow him, but you ignore him and continue climbing over the rubble. "Bec! Get inside the castle!"

"I can't! I need to find Draco!" Just then a spell comes flying past your head, missing you by inches. You lose your footing and slip, falling down into the pile of rubble.

"Fuck sake. You can't find him if you're dead!" He makes his way towards you, throwing spells in self defence.

You feel the world around you slow down, Theo appears to be moving in slow motion as all noise around is muffled.

"Dad?" Your tear falls onto his face as you see him lying beneath the rubble, his head was bleeding and he was unmoving. "Dad!" You begin to pull rocks away from his body, holding his head in your hands. "It's okay, Dad! I'm here! I'll get you some help, it's okay!" But he wasn't answering.

"Havelock, you have to come with me!"

"I can't leave him, Theo. I have to help him!"

"Bec!" He grabs your hands, making you look up to him. "He's gone, I'm sorry."

You look back down to your dad once more, placing a kiss on his forehead and closing his eyes. "Just leave, Theo. Go."

"I'm not leaving you, Bec. I'm sorry, but I have to do this." He picks you up, lifting you over his shoulder.

"No! NO!" You were screaming, reaching out your arms towards your father. "Please! Pleeaase! Take me back, just take me back! Please, put me down!"

"No! Expelliarmus!" He disarms a death eater heading towards you as he turns a corner. "Not until we're inside!"

You watch as the roof above your father comes crashing down on top of his body, you give up kicking and screaming, as he carries you through he dungeons, heading towards the Slytherin common room.

He stops right outside where the common room is. "Pure blood." The door appears and he opens it, walking inside with you still on his shoulder before putting you down. You steady your breathing and wipe the tears from your face.

Peppermint (DM smut love story)Where stories live. Discover now