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YOU AND DRACO WALK TOWARDS the Great Hall for breakfast as you bump into Blaise and Lux. Blaise and Draco greet each other and walk ahead as you and Lux slowly walk behind them.

"So? Are you two back together?" She whispers to you.

You roll your eyes at her. "Hey, Draco!" He turns and looks at you. "We'll catch up, okay?"

He nods his head and turns to continue walking with Blaise. You grab Lux's hand and drag her towards the girls toilets.

You both walk along either side, opening each door to the cubicles and checking no one else was there. Once you were sure it was clear, you turn to Lux. "Yes."

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, we're back together!" You can't help as a huge grin creeps onto your face.

"I knew it! You two can't stay away from each other for longer than five minutes." She crosses her arms smugly.

"Oh, shut up, as if you and Blaise aren't exactly the same!" You gently push her shoulder, teasing her.

"Ugh, whatever." She rolls her eyes at you. "Tell me everything!"

"There's really nothing to tell." You shrug your shoulders and cross your arms.

She narrows her eyes. "Don't treat me like I'm stupid, Bec. It's you and Malfoy for Christ sake. Half of Slytherin can hear the two of you going at it."

Your jaw drops open, gobsmacked. "I swear! I sent him back to his room last night because-"

"Because you knew you would end up fucking him and didn't want to give in too easily?" She crosses her arms now and raises an eyebrow at you. You both burst into laughter before you hear a crash.

"Wait. What was that?"

"You're not getting out of this one, Bec, I need details!"

"No, Lux, I'm serious. Listen." You both walk towards the door to the girls toilets.

A series of crashes could be heard from the other side, like glass shattering on the floor.

"Yeah, you're right." She furrows her eyebrows. "What the hell?"

You instinctively grab for your wand. "It sounds like it's coming from the boys toilets."

You both gingerly open the door, looking out into the hall. There was nobody around, but something was definitely happening in the room across from you. You could hear water running, followed by what sounded like wordless spells being cast.

"What should we do?" Lux keeps her voice down and looks at you.

"Sectumpsempra!" You hear the muffled spell and see a blue light coming from behind the doors.

"That was Potter!" You cross the hall and push open the door to the boys toilets, your feet splashing in the water on the floor.

"Draco?!" You scream run over to his body lay on the floor, blood all over his shirt. It was seeping out from wounds all over his chest. You grab his head and place it on your knee.

"Lux, help me. What do I do?" You look to her, frantically, tears brimming your eyes.

"Wait here with him, I'll go get Snape." She turns and quickly runs out the door.

Your eyes flit to Potter now, who is standing staring at Draco in shock.

"What the fuck did you do?! This is all your fault! Just stay the fuck away from us! None of this ever would have happened if it weren't for you!" The tears were now falling down your cheeks as you kept rubbing Draco's hair out of his eyes. You keep your eyes on his for a second and when he doesn't respond you look back to Draco. You weren't only referring to the wounds he had inflicted on Draco, but the way you saw it, everything Draco was going through was down to him. Draco wouldn't be suffering unimaginable pain, both mentally and physically, if it weren't for Potter.

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