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john: when you have nightmares, john makes you a cup of tea and sits in bed with you and asks you about your day

paul: paul will ask you if you're ok and then sing a lullaby until you fall back asleep

george: geo will kiss you all over and tell you you're safe and stay up until you go to sleep

ringo: ringo will cuddle you all night, making sure you feel safe and loved

:)))) anyways here is another preference. i updated to cover photo (which is the same as the one above) lmk what yall think lmao

question 11: cynthia or maureen?

answer 11: uhhhh lets see. based on looks its mo. based on loyalty, bravery, selflessness and all that other jazz then cyn. like ik the whole story behind john hitting her and that stuff (she wrote in her book that he hit her once and didnt forgive himself, i think he was drunk/high too but that still doesnt excuse his behavior. but it was one time and we all mess up so its ok johnny) but idk i just think she's amazing especially when you think about her having to take care of a child while john was snortin crack and snoggin may pang

question 12: olivia or barbra

answer 12: olivia!! saved!! her!! husband!! (aka george harrison!!) from an attacker!! using a fire poker!! so olivia. and shes so much like george. quiet, reserved, amazing. plus shes not like some beatle girls (cough cough yoko) and tells the tabloids stuff about her dead husband to get her name in the papers. i havent heard from her in years! good for her! idk barbra has a weird vibe idk idk. love yall bbs!!! -B

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