What it's like dating him

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  ~Intellectual conversations about politics, art, books, poetry, music, everything.                                    ~ Tough love                                                                                                                                                                             ~Arguing here and there about silly things                                                                                                                 ~Him not being able to show his feeling well                                                                                                                   ~Paul being your best friend                                                                                                                                             ~Forehead kisses (yes please)                                                                                                                                                              ~Not verbally apologizing after a fight, you just both go silent and eventually start talking again.


~Good Lord the PDA                                                                                                                                                                    ~Peck kisses on your collarbone, hand, forehead, cheek, top lip, nose, ear, just everywhere             ~Dancing to old records every night                                                                                                                                    ~Rarely getting in fights, but he's the first to apologize                                                                                              ~Going shopping together and giving each other style advice                                                                                       ~The band are your lives                                                                                                                                                     ~The press loving or hating you


~Being his museeeee                                                                                                                                                                                    ~Cuddles galore                                                                                                                                                                                ~Him trying to show you how to meditate (and you just not understanding)                                             ~He distances himself, so you have to figure out what's wrong since he's not the type for words                   ~Piggy back rides                                                                                                                                                                   ~Gardening together <3                                                                                                                                                              ~Going all out for holidays


~Plays with your hair                                                                                                                                                                           ~Some nights are spent crying                                                                                                                                         ~Having to reassure him that his scars are beautiful                                                                                                         ~Kissing his nose                                                                                                                                                                           ~Wearing his clothes (he finds this absolutely adorable)                                                                                     ~Him being jealous of all the guys you talk to                                                                                                           ~you spend HOURS AND HOURS snugglinggggg

So uh yeah i guess you've noticed that i haven't posted in almost a month. And i was just at that point where writing feels like a chore and i just needed some time to recollect my thoughts. Also perhaps i'll have new ideas. I'm back now and plan on to continue this book. Reminder that i take requests <3

Question 17: Pre or post lsd george

Answer 17: Both but a little more post lsd

Question 18: Opinion on yoko

Answer 18: Ok buckle your seatbelts lady and gents. I hate what yoko DID for john. She got him addicted to heroin, convinced him to cheat, moved him to new york,  julian took her to court after john's death because she didn't want to give him any of his father's possessions, wrote letters to john telling him that she would kill herself if he didn't support her art, told him to stop eating so much, and so much other stuff that i forgot that you should research. At the end of John's wonderful life, they were unhappy and months away from divorce. Not to mention all the stuff she tells the press to make sure her name still appears in magazines. I don't hate her as a person (because John wouldn't want us to hate anyone ofc) but i just don't like her. I hate that how she treated Cyn, John, May pang, and julian. But i love sean. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Love you bunches babes <3

Edit: I have no idea why the lines are so messed up im so sorry yall i'll try to fix it

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