How He Treats You When Your Pregnant

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John: John is very afraid of you, with the hormones and all. He does everything you ask, but always keeping his distance. Occasionally, he'll come visit you and rub your stomach and sing to you. you know he's going to be such a good father

Paul: Paul does everything you ask with joy. He knows he's helping the woman he loves most and the new baby, so he enjoys cleaning the house, making all the meals, and everything in between. He barely lets you do anything. If you get out of bed, he'll insist that you must lay down for a little longer while he finishes the laundry. He already treats you like his baby, so you can't wait until the actual child gets here.

George: George does everything you do. If you just wanna lay down, he'll lay down right beside you. If you wanna eat, he's going to eat with you. He never leaves your side, unless your morning sick. Vomit is gross. you don't blame him while he goes to get you a water after your finished. He already feels like your little baby, it's like training.

Ringo: Ringo has to have everything perfect. He's fully decorated the nursery by month 3, has 5 different strollers for different situations, and has all the babies clothes neatly folded in the drawer. Of course, Ringo also helps you. He'll go bring you any food you want from anywhere, buy you any pillow you feel you absolutely must have, and holds your hair back whenever your sick. You can't wait for the baby to come into the world and be greeted by the sweetest dad ever.

I know i know these uploads are getting less and less frequent but i'm runnin out of ideas here. Hope you enjoyed this lil chapter and more is sure to follow. I'll think of somethin its gon be okay. Peace and Love - B

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