What You Steal From Him

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John: His glasses. He loves when you randomly come up behind him during rehearsal and steal his Buddy Holly glasses. You put them on, and he laughs even though he can't really see you.

Paul: You sneak into Paul's closet and take his suit jacket. You love how it smells like him, and he loves how it's kind of big on you and how you look so hot in it.

George: You steal George's jelly babies. Now if it was anyone else, he would kill them. But since you are his jelly baby, you can have as many as you want. ;)

Ringo: When your baby is sleeping, you take his rings off his nightstand and wear them. He wakes up looking for his precious rings. But then he realizes the love of his life took them, so he'll have to start a tickle fight to get them back.

BDUHDIEBDUBEWBD I LOVE THIS CHAPTERRRRR. anyways hope you enjoyed. would you be brave enough to take george's jelly babies? -B

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